Essay On Time Takenindependent Variable

Essay About Gravityresearch Question And Value Of The Acceleration Of Gravity
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Acceleration of Gravity Acceleration of GravityResearch Question: What is the value of the acceleration of gravity?Control Variable: Size of the ball, Type of ball, Sensor, Same Timer (System).Dependent Variable: Time TakenIndependent Variable: DisplacementDisplacementT1T2T3Average timeUncertainty Average TimeTime SquaredUncertainty Time Squared1.7000.5950.5870.5990.5930.0060.3520.0071.6000.5750.5740.5790.5760.0030.3310.0031.5000.5620.5650.5660.5640.0020.3190.0021.4000.5380.5400.5380.5390.0010.2900.0011.3000.5230.5200.5180.5200.0020.2710.002In this experiment it was observed that the shorter the displacement, then the lesser the time taken.

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