Acceleration of Gravity
Acceleration of GravityResearch Question: What is the value of the acceleration of gravity?Control Variable: Size of the ball, Type of ball, Sensor, Same Timer (System).Dependent Variable: Time TakenIndependent Variable: DisplacementDisplacementT1T2T3Average timeUncertainty Average TimeTime SquaredUncertainty Time Squared1.7000.5950.5870.5990.5930.0060.3520.0071.6000.5750.5740.5790.5760.0030.3310.0031.5000.5620.5650.5660.5640.0020.3190.0021.4000.5380.5400.5380.5390.0010.2900.0011.3000.5230.5200.5180.5200.0020.2710.002In this experiment it was observed that the shorter the displacement, then the lesser the time taken for it to fall to the ground. It was also observed that air resistance can actually affect the metal ball’s direction and speed, since it fell away from the target most of the times. It was also observed that the shorter the displacement, then the effect of air resistance on the ball is lesser. As for the uncertainties, the absolute uncertainties were calculated for the average time and for the uncertainty time squared. However, for the displacement, the uncertainty was 0.03 which is over half the limit of reading (0.0005) because the measurement had to be taken from the metal clamp and the metal clamp was far away from the ruler and it was hard to measure it because it was above eye level at some points which means that the data might have not been read properly.

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Gravityresearch Question And Value Of The Acceleration Of Gravity. (July 12, 2021). Retrieved from