Lord of the Flies EssayEssay Preview: Lord of the Flies EssayReport this essayThe novel Lord of the flies, written by William Golding, was written just after World War II had ended when Golding had witnessed man fighting man and humanity fighting itself. He tried to make sense of this savagery through his story of how young innocent boys stranded on a deserted uninhabited island quickly descend into savagery. Golding uses symbols such as the conch which represents democracy, the hunts which represent the savage beast within each of the boys and the signal fire which is a symbol of hope to develop the significant idea of how humans have a propensity for violence, how rules and laws are needed to keep society civilised to make sure it doesnt quickly descend into savagery. To demonstrate this Golding showed how young boys could change paradise onto hell through their evil nature, much as he believed, World War II did to the world.

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William Golding And Uses Symbols. (October 8, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/william-golding-and-uses-symbols-essay/