Visual BasicVisual BasicIt is imperative that your focus remain open minded when approaching the subject of programming. There are numerous different languages, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and functionality in relation to the classification as an object oriented form of application design. Unfortunately, many programmers have developed a bias towards Visual Basic (VB) throughout the years primarily because earlier editions claimed to be object oriented, however, lacked implementation inheritance capabilities or method overloading features (Lhotka, n.d.). This is where VB.NET steps into action and resolves these minor fallacies.

“Visual Basic .NET is a fully object-oriented programming language, which means it supports the four basic tenets of object-oriented programming: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism” (Hamilton, n.d.). It bridged these so-called gaps between Visual Basic and object-oriented design; possessing an enormous amount of potential. In a sense, VB.NET enforces a basic programming principle by reiterating that objects are composed of a physical state and then trigger an event or behavior that complete them. At the developer level, we need an environment that allows us to work with each of these intrinsic components as if they were one. Visual Basic.NET does exactly that.

Every programming language has their unique advantages and disadvantages, with Visual Basic always being monitored under a microscope per say. One of the strongest benefits worth mentioning is VB.NET’s new standard for implementation inheritance. This allows the user to expound upon a class, by inheriting from it, while using it as the foundation for building newer classes (Utley, 2001). Another bonus is the built in debugging tool that allows multiple languages running the .NET Framework to be debugged with a single tool. Lastly, some developers prefer VB.NET for the simple fact that “components can be run locally, without requiring the calling application to go to the registry to find components” (Utley, 2001) and because Windows services are processed natively.

The Benefits

Most people are familiar with the VBA. VBC was originally written from scratch using the standard library, but it had a few benefits that made it more convenient and cost effective in practice.

VBS was a free software platform that didn’t have the restrictive dependencies that are typically required in Windows development. It didn’t use the built-in IDE as it did in Windows Azure because it didn’t have a built-in Windows Registry or registry. VBS didn’t have Windows PowerShell and required the user to follow some complicated set of manual procedures to enable/disable a specific feature by writing a .PSB file in Microsoft Admin mode. VBS was designed for Microsoft Windows 10 for ease of use. Many users already had a .MD3 extension to control their applications, but as I have previously written here, such extensions are often not available, so you need another user. VIBM was designed to be a more secure way to share software resources, since it isn’t the most robust tool, but it’s easy for you to switch to the more secure Windows Server 2012 and then start doing things with it that aren’t as convenient or easy to do.

If you want to do something with VIBM, you can use the standard debugger feature with it at any time with a standard C++ compiler. Most .NET applications are built with this debugger in, but there are a few other possibilities. By using the program as a separate program you provide an access point directly to what the program is running on, and that application code can also be run in the debugger.

COPYRIGHT 2008-2012, COPYRIGHT 2012-2008, XCode Authors

I have provided the source code for several examples of the above mentioned features in the repository. I hope you find them useful.

If you have problems or comments please contact me at [email protected].


All information is copyrighted and may not be used, copied, distributed or transferred without any right whatsoever. I’d like to thank the Microsoft Corporation and developers who contributed code to our repository. I also’d like to thank the Xcode Foundation for providing many of the source files to us, including VB.NET.

Thank you,

Mike Bohn (@kobohn)

Miles Baker (@milesbaker)

Richard V. Gage (@rgage)

Barry Tackett (@BarryTackett)

Brian Smith (@bryane)

Mandy Hohmann

Kevin Peltzberger

Richard Pimentel

Chris Kuehler

Michael Shinkam

Marlene M. Reisner

Toby Ehrman

The Benefits

Most people are familiar with the VBA. VBC was originally written from scratch using the standard library, but it had a few benefits that made it more convenient and cost effective in practice.

VBS was a free software platform that didn’t have the restrictive dependencies that are typically required in Windows development. It didn’t use the built-in IDE as it did in Windows Azure because it didn’t have a built-in Windows Registry or registry. VBS didn’t have Windows PowerShell and required the user to follow some complicated set of manual procedures to enable/disable a specific feature by writing a .PSB file in Microsoft Admin mode. VBS was designed for Microsoft Windows 10 for ease of use. Many users already had a .MD3 extension to control their applications, but as I have previously written here, such extensions are often not available, so you need another user. VIBM was designed to be a more secure way to share software resources, since it isn’t the most robust tool, but it’s easy for you to switch to the more secure Windows Server 2012 and then start doing things with it that aren’t as convenient or easy to do.

If you want to do something with VIBM, you can use the standard debugger feature with it at any time with a standard C++ compiler. Most .NET applications are built with this debugger in, but there are a few other possibilities. By using the program as a separate program you provide an access point directly to what the program is running on, and that application code can also be run in the debugger.

COPYRIGHT 2008-2012, COPYRIGHT 2012-2008, XCode Authors

I have provided the source code for several examples of the above mentioned features in the repository. I hope you find them useful.

If you have problems or comments please contact me at [email protected].


All information is copyrighted and may not be used, copied, distributed or transferred without any right whatsoever. I’d like to thank the Microsoft Corporation and developers who contributed code to our repository. I also’d like to thank the Xcode Foundation for providing many of the source files to us, including VB.NET.

Thank you,

Mike Bohn (@kobohn)

Miles Baker (@milesbaker)

Richard V. Gage (@rgage)

Barry Tackett (@BarryTackett)

Brian Smith (@bryane)

Mandy Hohmann

Kevin Peltzberger

Richard Pimentel

Chris Kuehler

Michael Shinkam

Marlene M. Reisner

Toby Ehrman

In closing, where the older versions of Visual Basic lacked, Visual Basic.NET has picked up the slack. Many programmers fail to look past these shortcomings, and could very well be limiting the potential

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Visual Basic And Developer Level. (October 12, 2021). Retrieved from