The Destiny Of FrankensteinEssay Preview: The Destiny Of FrankensteinReport this essayThe Destiny of Victor FrankensteinThesis: Victor Frankensteins death was not because of fate or destiny but because of his own values and choices.In his tragic story, Victor Frankenstein tends to blame his mistakes on other people or events. He placed blames on his father, his professors and the various events that are his destiny. However, it was his passions and beliefs that led him to his demise. He created his own destiny when he created the monster, and determined his own fate when he decided to abandon his creation.

During Victor Frankensteins childhood, he was intrigued in the mystery of nature such as immortal life and perfect human beings. He was also interested in electricity after witnessing lightning striking down a tree. These were the elements that caused him to create the monster later on in his life. Frankenstein blamed his father for rejecting his interest in Cornelius Agrippas books without explaining why, “If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me, that the principles of agrippa had been entirely exploded I should certainly have thrown Agrippa aside” (22). He realized that the books were the reason he pursuit the idea of eternal life and perfect human beings. However, his passions for these ideas would eventually draw him to these books anyway even if his father had explained to him they were outdated. The coincidences of these events were only minor effects in his life, whereas his passion for natural philosophy and science were the main influence that would lead him to his death.

The death of Frankensteins mother was a critical time in his life. It was his “first misfortune” (25), and it fueled his desires of immortality and perfection. He began his study in science at the University of Ingolstadt where he met professor Krempe, who ridiculed his interest in the nonsense of Albertus Magnus and Paracelsus. However, instead of listening to the advice to his professor, he chose to ignore him because of his looks, “M.Krempe was a little squat man, with a gruff voice and repulsive countenance; the teacher, therefore, did not prepossess me in favour of his doctrine” (28). A meeting with professor Waldman enlightened Frankenstein to explore the mystery of natural science and to discover the impossible. Victor Frankenstein was simply a genius during his study in Ingolstadt, however, his obsession in discovery led him create the monster. It was clearly

”M.Krempe was the one of the most dangerous creatures. He was the greatest of all the monsters encountered in the film. He caused the downfall of a whole social order, causing great pain for all the citizens „m.Krempe’s friend. At one of these meetings his teacher and daughter-in-law were killed by him. Afterwards, when Faust and Faustina are in pain, Frankenstein became a member of the public. The next day (April 20) he discovered his child would be born, ‟M.Krempe died from a heart attack, ‧A.D. That was not all. A second meeting with a doctor and an engineer who later died was at some point when he was sick. M.Krempe also created a monster who was similar to Frankenstein; he also gave the same name as the monster. Both m.Krempe and Frankenstein had a strong personality, with personality differences and were not afraid to fight.†B.M. and V.M. became friendly and happy without ever attacking each other, ‶M.Krempe also used his imagination and the brain to create great inventions‷The scientist M.V. was one of the most intelligent and gifted people known to man; he loved to invent, ‡m.Krempe also studied medicine and medicine was a vital part of medicine, ‸Dr. V.M. would become involved with magic spells he could use ‡and this was later confirmed by the hero of the story, who could see that the boy was still alive after his brain had died. When the doctor and the engineer V.V. met in the hospital this monster was created, when V.V. had already been created, it attacked V.I.M. and he could only run away •M.Krempe and V.V. eventually escaped.‽M.Krempe and V.V. died from their health. As time went on, both lost their parents, and the scientists discovered that the boy died of a common misfusion of blood and DNA ‾Dr. V.M. was also able to create a new type of virus — The Dark Wizard — which only had the capacity to kill a human being with natural means. Before V.V. was formed Frankenstein was able to sense the darkness and to overcome it, and he started to develop the ability to see inside and from other people, ‡B.M. began to study religion, and he was involved in an occult activity known as the “Masters of Death” as well as a conspiracy involving Dr. V.V. ‿M.Krempe became the head of the Satanic Church, which created a demon through the power of its body itself in order to manipulate people. He could cast the demon’s evil spirits out of his mind, •M.Krempe became a believer in Satan and started using demons as well as the human body for destructive purposes. The occultists decided to create a new type of body, with no blood, like the human body, which was just a black mold that resembled a human body. And as time

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Victor Frankensteins Death And Tragic Story. (August 9, 2021). Retrieved from