Hershey Vs Tootsie – Trends Within Our OrganizationsTRENDS INVENTORYAugust 29, 2010Trends within our organizations. Some trends are unfolding within organizations. In many instances, we have direct control over these. In other instances we have strong influence. As you look across your organization and others in the industry, what specific trends do you notice? Add any we haven’t captured to the list below. What observations have you made about these? Add your comments in the column to the right. How would you rank the specific trends you identify within organizations? Put a “1” by the trend you think is most important for us to address, a “2” by the one you think is second most important, a “3” by the one you think is third most important, and so on.

TrendSpecific ObservationsPath from concept to marketThis is important in our company because our product that we continuously improve is our degree. We have to stay cutting edge with other school or the is fear obseletion.

Delivery (BIM)This goes hand in hand with ab0ove statement.SoftwareBecause we have a strong technology presence in our school this is extremely important to us.PaperlessAs we should it often does not happen I the office environment or the class rooms.Use of Social Networking DevicesWe often use IM communicator to communicate with people within our companyGenerational differences in motivation.I would say this is a moving target for us because the company is always surveying to find out what Is motivating their employees.Virtual Offices.Outsourcing.Communication–including confrontationBecause our customers and product are all in education and information obtained it is necessary that conflict resolution and confrontation is done with the most customer care service at all times.

I have no doubts in my heart that if we use this to our advantage and have this to our side I think that we will win.

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      Use Of Social Networking Devices And Conflict Resolution. (August 10, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/use-of-social-networking-devices-and-conflict-resolution-essay/