Casa Del Libro Website Analysis
Casa del is an enterprise that was born in the year of 1999; it was created with the idea of being the first online selling Castilian Spanish books. It’s the year 2001 and has to make a decision on what operating system they are going to use to develop their webpage, where is going to enter to acquire their books. They can decide either getting a UNIX system or a Microsoft system; each of them has its pros and cons. made an exhaustive investigation to see what system is more convenient for them, they executed some forecasts of the market, and they where expecting to have an enormous amount of orders, but after reviewing the reports and forecasts they realized that the market for online selling of books in Spain was not as big as they expected, since they’ve expected to have a net income of € 16,000,000 by 2006 however the real net income that they are expecting to have by 2006 is only of € 3,000,000, not even a fourth part of what they thought they were going to have.As well, made an investigation about the two systems available for developing their website, UNIX and Microsoft, and how much money they have to invest for each of them. The criteria they used to decide which system is the most convenient for them were, availability, performance, scalability, maintenance and administration, scarceness and cost of programmers, and finally customer service.  Following a table that shows the evaluations that each of the systems received according to casadellibro.comAvailabilityPerformanceScalabilityMaintenance&AdministrationScarcenessCost of programmersCustomer ServiceUNIXMore available system High potential of malfunctionsMore scalableHigh maintenance costMore expensive because of minor availabilityLess number of programmers and more expensiveSlight costumer supportMicrosoftLess available systemMore simple platform run more smoothly Custom-made platform provides less costly systemLow maintenance and administration costsMore availability minor costLarge number of programmers and less expensive Close to none existing

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Unix System And Available System. (June 23, 2021). Retrieved from