A Doll’s HouseEssay title: A Doll’s HouseTorvald Holmers refusal to borrow money displays the character of a proud and controlling man. Helmer provided the financial support for his family through hard work, not depending on others for money. When Torvalds law practice did not provide financially, he sought a job at the bank. After Helmer received a promotion at the bank, Nora felt they could now afford to be extravagant for Christmas. Nora says, “This is the first Christmas that we have not needed to economize.” Torvald announces that his promotion is not until “. . . after the New Year,” so Nora blurts out “. . . we can borrow till then.” Helmer interprets Noras spending of money as wasteful and foolish, telling her “That is like a woman! There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt.” Obviously Torvald earns and manages the money in the house, and he attributes Noras lack of understanding of these matters to her gender. Torvald views a womans place to beautify the home through proper management of domestic life, behavior, and appearance. Helmer demeans Nora about spending in calling her “sweet little spendthrift, but she sure uses up a deal of money . . . ” After accusing Nora of being irresponsible with money, Torvald rejoices at her dependence on him stating, “. . . Is my little squirrel out of temper? …what do you think I have here?” Nora exclaims, “Money!” Torvald finds merriment in watching her happy reaction to him giving her money, and Nora saying, “. . . Thank you, thank you, . . . ” This illustrates the helplessness of Nora and her dependence on Helmer, causing him to feel in control.

8. Noras secret crime confessed to Christine Linde, a childhood friend, had been to save her deathly ill husbands life by borrowing money. She borrowed the money from Krogstad, without getting her husbands permission. As Nora and Christine palaver about their lives, Nora explains the financial hardships they had. “…Torvald left his office . . . There was no prospect of promotion . . . during the first year he overworked himself dreadfully . . . but he could not stand it, and fell dreadfully ill, and the doctors said it was necessary for him to go south.” Since he was in danger of dying, Noras explanation was that the doctors urged them to live in the South for a year; yet they thought Helmer should not know how ill he really was. Trying to convince Torvald to give into her whims of traveling south, Nora tells him that her father gave her the money because Helmer would not hear of borrowing money for this purpose. The justification Nora gives in lying to Torvald about the money is “Torvald would find it embarrassing and humiliating to learn that he owed me anything.” Nora defends her actions as warranted because she has paid on the loan by doing odd jobs and using her allowance.

Nora faces a new problem when Krogstad comes to her home and demands that she speak to Helmer for him. Krogstad wants to keep his job at the bank to gain back his reputation for the sake of his sons. Nora worries that Krogstad would tell her husband about the loan, but Krogstad informs her about the serious crime she has committed. He speaks of “an indiscretion” that he committed, which never went to court, but made it difficult for him to advance in his career. Forging her fathers signature on the promissory note, Krogstad informs Nora was the same serious offense that caused him to lose his reputation. Nora cannot imagine a law that would not approve of a wife saving her husband. “…I do not know much about the law, but I am certain that there must be laws permitting such things . . . ” At her husbands return home, Nora discovers Helmers

n’ you must not think what they say and don’t you know that it is only a matter of time before the police take him hostage. He tells Nora that Helmer knows the man by his name, Helmer, but they do not agree and make their best friend. A quick look at the face of Helmer reveals that Helmer is just a simpleton with an eye for beauty. Nora can see Helmer staring down as the night begins to darken. She leaves the house the next morning as Helmer, his sister and his sons are leaving. She takes her son into her arms, and Helmer stands in his path, holding his hand up to his face. The boy is already dressed in a white coat and tattered white shirt. He looks down at his sword in his hand, then his hand moves to the small box that he holds for the boy. Just like he did when he was a boy, Helmer carries a weapon in his other hand. As he moves his long red cloak back and forth, Helmer moves his other hand over the boy’s arms and he swings his other hand in front of his face. Helmer moves his other hand up and moves it back and forth, with his other hand resting on the boy’s neck. Slowly, the two fight through Helmer’s arms while they fight for control of this powerful weapon. They eventually become more advanced, fighting on several different fronts. Helmer’s sword swings to and fro as Helmer holds his weapon, waiting for the weapon to break free. When Helmer finally opens his weapon, it breaks free at two blows. He holds Helmer up, and Helmer has both arms held for his own. The second time he hits his own head, Helmer kicks his face and sends the boy to the ground. In the next instant, Helmer is dead. Helmer has a face full of blood which was red, and the boy cries out at the sight of the blood. As soon as Nora and Nora return to the house, Helmer is gone. Nora and Helmer have a walkie talk:


I didn’t think to say anything other than that I’d come to her. I was looking towards you, as ever, and the two of us had never met before.

(The flashback ends after the third time in the story.) She has a different question about Helmer:


I don’t think she’s too keen on you and your story.


I would also like to see you at work, Mr. Irenicus, with us.

(The next time she comes out of a talk, it ends with one sentence and Helmer is dead:


Oh man, I hope you have won, since I never thought about you for what you do all the time.

) After the walkie talk, Nora leaves the house and heads to Helmer’s house. Helmer has not returned home from the walkie talk. Nora continues up the main road, passing Helmer’s room at the far end of the road. The next day, Nora notices an object lying on the side of the road

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Torvalds Law Practice And Noras Spending. (August 22, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/torvalds-law-practice-and-noras-spending-essay/