English Conversation
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-Ting Wei and Hema talk about “Surfing the internet”
Hema:Hey Ting Wei,how often do you use the internet?
Ting Wei: Oh, I use it everyday! I check my email, read the news, chat with family and friends all around the world. I love the Internet!
Hema: Yeah, it is great, isnt it? Sometimes I stay online for hours. So, how do you connect to the Net?
Ting Wei: Usually I just dial 163 or 96600 to log on, and I get billed directly to my telephone account. Its quite convenient.
Hema: That must be slow! I have an ADSL connection, so I can download pictures and music.
Ting Wei: Well Asiyra,Im going to get a high-speed connection too, just as soon as Im as rich as you!
Hema: Poor, poor Ting Wei. I really feel sorry for you! Ha ha ha.
Ting Wei: Dont worry about me.I can still do everything I want.I used some software called Pal Talk to chat with friends in France, Japan, and Argentina.

Hema: Thats cool! You chat with them by typing text messages, right?
Ting Wei: Not only text, I do “voice chat” too. I have a microphone and speakers. Its like using a telephone, but a whole lot cheaper.
Hema: Hey, Id like to try that too.Can I just go to www.paltalk.com?
Ting Wei: Yes, thats right. Once you download their software, you can begin to chat right away also can speak to people all over the world!
Hema: That sounds like a good way to practice English. But sometimes I need more stuctured English practice. Do you know any good sites specially made for students learning English?

Ting Wei: Well, you could try
Hema:WOW!..thats great!.. Thanks Ting Wei, I think I will try it out. Oh, I have to go now.See you soon Ting Wei.Bye.
Ting Wei:Ok..bye.

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