Emotional IntelligenceEssay Preview: Emotional IntelligenceReport this essayIs there a difference between managers and leaders? To me, the answer is–absolutely. After researching articles about the differences between managers and leaders I concluded that my current work environment, which employs two principals, leans towards more managerial than leadership qualities. There is always the opportunity to become a manager, but becoming a leader takes a certain kind of higher learning and understanding in order to be practiced effectively. A manager finds immediate solutions, a leader questions the solutions. The term manager exemplifies the more structured, controlled, analytical, orderly, and rule-oriented person. The leader exemplifies a more experimental, visionary, unstructured, flexible and risk taking person. Managers and leaders think differently internally, therefore the outcome is different externally. Below are a few examples of the differences between managers and leaders.

ManagersLeaderMaintainsDevelopsAccepts realityInvestigates itHas a short-range viewHas a long-range perspectiveHas his/her eye on the bottom lineHas his/her eye on the horizonImitatesOriginatesAccepts the status quoChallenges the status quoClassic good soldierHis/her own personAre analytical/structured/orderlyAre experimental/visionary/creativeUse the power of logical mindUse the power of intuitionConsider dangersSense opportunityIsolateCorrelateThink rivals/CompetitionThink Partners/CooperationCorrect Strategic WeaknessesBuild on Strategic StrengthsAdminister ProgramsDevelop PeopleFormulate PolicySet ExamplesInstructInspireControlEmpowerEmploy ConsistencyEmploy CreativityDuplicateOriginateSee ComplexitySee SimplicityReactProact

I just wanted to say thank you guys for taking the time to help me, and I really appreciate you making this happen! Now you guys have a platform to expand this.

You’re really making a big difference here. I mean, I already know the future is for me, I want to build this into what I want with friends and family and this and that. You’re actually providing me a place that’s safe, affordable and where other people can start from.”

My work goes to support people across the world, and I’ve got another platform on it that will help bring people together. The next step is for me to open up the people on this and bring in some more leaders, so that you have this really vibrant, inclusive space to grow.

The last thing this project is going to do is stop at a one-size-fits-all mentality, which I’m sure I may hear people in this room say at every level of management, “I don’t want to have this job because it’s not going to work that well because I’m not an open minded person, I want to get it done right here. And I want to know exactly where this is heading and what this is doing, so they can figure out how to get it done.”[/quote=FernandoFernando]
I just wanted to say thank you guys for taking the time to help me, and I really appreciate you making this happen! Now you guys have a platform to expand this.You’re really making a big difference here. I mean, I already know the future is for me, I want to build this into what I want with friends and family and this and that. You’re actually providing me a place that’s safe, affordable and where other people can start from..
