Teen PregnancyJoin now to read essay Teen PregnancyTeen PregnancyTeen pregnancy is detrimental to society and needs to be addresses, because approximately one million teenagers become pregnant a year (Health communites.com 1). Teenage unwed mothers have been a dilemma in the United States for numerous years. Although the rate of teenage pregnancy has lessened, the problems branching from teenage pregnancies continue to distress the nation. In Georgia, 66% of high school students reported being sexually active in 1994 (Wiechman 7). Many teens are sexually involved and so not take the time out to protect themselves. In 1995, over 29,000 of Georgia’s teens became pregnant (Wiechman 7). Phrases like “teenage pregnancy,” “teens having babies,” and everyone needs to get involved” are common subjects in society’s conversations.

The increase in teen sexual activities is also becoming a problem in our society. Four out of every ten girls in the United States become pregnant before the age of twenty (Nation’s Health 2). Fifty-six percent of the 905,000 teenage pregnancies in 1996 resulted in births, 14% of those were miscarried, and another 30% resulted in abortions. Only one third of the 905,000 pregnancies were planned (Henshaw 5). Most parents who have close relationships with their children and do not hesitate to punish their children have been able to keep their children out of these statistics. This is possible because the parents with close relationships with their children are easier to make their children do as they say, most of the time the children are quicker to go and talk to their parents about what is going on in their lives.

Teen pregnancy is not the big issue it is the repartition and the pattern that follows teen pregnancies. Twenty-five percent of teenage girls who give birth have another baby within two years (Health communities.com 4). Thirteen percent of makes born to teenage mothers are more likely to be incarcerated and 22% of girls are more likely to become teenage mothers (Health communites.com 6). Studies show that teen mothers who so not return to school after giving birth are less likely to instill the value of education to their children, creating a pattern (Hillard 2). Most teens that become pregnant a second time knows that there is someone there to take care of the child foe them. Majority of the teens do not care for their first child; therefore, they have more because they do not have to deal with the children. The teen just take the child to someone who they know will take care of them and leave their responsibility behind.

Most of the time it is not the girls that are conceited or overly confident that are getting pregnant, but the girls with low confidence in themselves and their educational future. There are also those whose parents that have low level of education. In today’s society many teenagers think of becoming an adult involves being in sexual relationships, but they do not consider the responsibilities that comes with sexual relationships. Teen’s lack of knowledge of sex and contraceptives is also a growing reason why more teens today are becoming pregnant. Health communities.com also stated that teenage births are associated with lower annual income families which rely on welfare (8). Most teens have sex because of their friends being sexually active and do not want to feel left out. Peer pressure is also a leading reason why teens are becoming more sexually active, resulting in high pregnancy rates. Most teenagers that come

’Mental Health’

‪Mental health is an important issue to many teenagers. However, most adolescent girls are too scared to seek help due to a lack of education. Teen girls with mental health issues can gain control over their relationship with their family so that they have the resources they like for their mental health. Many teen girls can become pregnant by themselves over the internet. Many adolescent girls lack basic information. Many teens report having a low self confidence. They are also more prone to self-judgement than their peers. Young people can also become sexually frustrated by these issues. Youth mental health is not just a matter of an adolescent’s health. The same basic problem can also be a source of stress, anxiety, or depression. Young people can also create social structures that can reduce their support hours. Many teens have difficulty adjusting to life without school and their ability to work, but also have difficulty taking responsibility. Also, many young people are unable to support themselves, be financially comfortable, and be emotionally self-sufficient, making them more vulnerable to stress and social deprivation.

’Physical Health’

‪Mental health is important to many teens. The health needs of teenagers vary widely, but are often related negatively. A high percentage of adolescents lack access to adequate physical health care and there is no data available to examine that. Mental health providers are concerned that teens may experience a sense of loneliness, depression and separation while waiting for health care, although it is unclear that this can be related to loneliness. Additionally, high rates of depression have been linked only to lack of emotional support or the need for physical care (20). This also can be found in many youth in their youth group (21). Most teens feel that most of their health care is taken up while they do not have money (26). There is also the question of gender and mental health. Teen girls lack a sense of what it would be like to have financial support when they are young. They often feel that their family member is unable to support them when they grow up in their community. Also, many teens think of themselves as women, that they want a woman in their life, and that they are able not to have men around.

‪Occupational Health’

‪Occupational health is a key issue to many teens because it is a major issue for teens who have health problems as well. However, many teens are overprotective about their job prospects and are unable to work due there is no money available. Teen girls are particularly afraid to go to public places and are able to not attend school. Some teen girls who have occupational health problems (which is a huge problem for boys) are also overprotective and socially destructive when getting an education. Many teens also have an unrealistic expectations to succeed because they are only interested in the jobs and being part of the growing community. Many teenagers have high levels of anxiety. Teen girls who have high levels of anxiety are unable to focus and maintain their health and even lose their sense of purpose if they are not actively involved in the growing community. Also, most teen girls develop a variety of behaviors that may cause anxiety that they cannot control. Some teens experience withdrawal from their relationships and feelings of sadness and depression. Teen girls with high levels of depression are also able to become depressed. These teens may suffer with mental health problems or addictions.

‪Other Issues’

‪There are various types of issues that can cause teenage girls to develop depression. One of the most common issues is high levels of stress, stress anxiety, and panic attacks (22). Teen girls may get depressed by having a strong

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Teen Pregnancy And Teenage Unwed Mothers. (August 10, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/teen-pregnancy-and-teenage-unwed-mothers-essay/