Immigration LawsEssay Preview: Immigration LawsReport this essayThank you very much for attending today, your presence here today shows how concerned you are, how caring you are, and how patriotic you are. (epistrophe) It is no secret that our politicians approach certain policies, for political advantages. (polyptoton) O Gods of politics, why can’t we get along, after all we are aiming for the same result. (Apostrophe) There is this constant fight between the different parties of our government, when it comes to issues that could change the quality of life for the future, the magnitude of the fight increases. (asyndeton) There is a multitude of issues on which they disagree. Among those is immigration reformation. (ellipsis) The Tea Party is opposing Obama’s plan of reformation. Started the reformation fight was. (anastrophe)

For a while now our economy took a turn for the worst, the worst thing is there haven’t been no clear solution to this problem. (anadiplosis) With the scarcity of jobs, with the rise of unemployment, with the increase in debt, something was to be blamed. (isocolon) Ever since, there have been special attentions paid to the effect of undocumented immigrants in America. Illegal immigration is not a serious; there are only 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States (litotes). This number is the same as the whole population of Haiti. (simile) The Tea Party refuses to go along with the plan of reformation but support the idea that changes are needed in the system (antithesis). Since Obama can’t control the harsh situations in other countries and the borders are constantly being crossed illegally, and previous attempts to control the borders have failed, and his options are minimal, his agenda is to create a path to citizenship. (polysyndeton)

From the Tea Partyers’ point of view, a path to citizenship will be a way of rewarding lawbreakers, a way to drain federal funds, a way to derailed our country’s identity (anaphora). There is absolutely no doubt in the fact that the title of American Citizen should be awarded to people who deserve it. By no means I am justifying overstaying on a work visa or smuggling across the border, but “rewarding lawbreakers” happens whenever the government repeals or revises a punitive law. The reformation of the current system does not mean undocumented immigrants will instantly gain citizenship. Obama, in a press conference in support of the reform bill proposed by the Senate, stressed the fact that this will not be a cakewalk for illegals. In his speech, he stated that, “they will have to pass a number of background checks, learn English, pay taxes, pay a fee, but more importantly will have to go to the back of the line.” (parallelism)

Also, the Tea Partyers think that the new rules will be disfavorable to the immigrants who played by the rules. (anthimeria) Legal immigrants will be first in line as to gain citizenship and the benefits that come with being an American Citizen. The White House has made its position clear. (Metonymy) On the website of the White House, Obama revealed his plan and never once mentioned that illegals will be favored. In fact, his trademark is that undocumented immigrants will have to wait their turn no matter what.

Furthermore, Tea Partyers are concerned with American workers losing jobs to immigrants. The most attractive trait of the Tea Party is that; they oppose the notion of Americans being at any disadvantage. Obama is for that same cause. His want of bettering the system is to encourage people from around the globe with different ideas to get the chance to create jobs in the United States. But regardless if a person is documented or not, if hired they will be taking a job belonging to an American. I do not agree with the fact that American’s jobs will be at risk, but I’m simply saying that they were already at risk. In an article by Steven A. Camarota he displayed the workforce of immigrants, showing the dominance of immigrants in these fields. Those positions are positions that are vital and it seem like Americans will not do them. Jobs such as housekeeping, taxi chauffeurs, farm workers, maintenance, janitors and more are controlled by 80 percent of immigration. Now those are some dream jobs. (irony) Those jobs require very little expertise but a will to sacrifice your body for little pay. Are those the jobs that the Tea Party is worrying about? (rhetorical question) Those harsh conditions must be healthy. (oxymoron)

Moreover, Tea Partyers hide behind the idea that a path to citizenship will drain the federal funds. A small percentage of the Tea Party believe that undocumented immigrants should simply be sent back to where they came from. That’s a terrible idea considering that it will cost like a zillion dollars. (hyperbole) Marshall Fitz, wrote a column where he broke down the cost of deportation. In the current system, it will cost nearly 24,000 dollars for each person to be apprehended, detained, legally processed and transported out of the country. Considering that we have 11 million undocumented, the cost to get rid of them all will be in the hundreds of billions. After all, law enforcers, labor, industries agree and support reformation because there will

The Tea Party is working on a whole new plan, called the “The Taxpayer’s Pledge,” designed to increase funding to help the poor, and to provide health care to those who are unable to afford it, especially to undocumented immigrants. The Taxpayer’s Pledge is a very practical proposal that will lower the cost of Social Security and Medicare, as well as help the poor and middle class. It provides relief for low-income and young people who are losing health insurance, for workers who cannot or cannot afford to buy their own health insurance and who are unable to afford it because the subsidies and taxes they receive are for the very cost of living above 200 percent of their wages. With this goal in mind, Obama has proposed a proposal that makes the U.S. Treasury a tax haven for the rich. The U.S. would become the first financial country in the world to provide Medicaid and other services without any tax breaks.

A number of these provisions may soon be implemented, including the “TARP bill” that will make sure those who pay taxes and who are too poor to benefit from those programs don’t get their benefits until they are 67 years old and at their “highest income” or “minor income.” These provisions do not make it very difficult — especially when you include some of these new provisions to try and pass laws that would take most of the tax advantages of a top income tax rate of 14 percent. However, as the House Committee on Foreign Relations voted on a bill repealing the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), President Obama should know that a lot of his other proposals, like reducing the corporate tax rate, are also against the working class being able to afford basic necessities.

To see how the GOP thinks about this, take a look at the chart below. Here you can see the exact same idea that would be implemented by President Obama and most Republican lawmakers, including House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). In addition, I was able to show below that some of the provisions are being implemented at the expense of working poor and elderly Americans like immigrants and veterans whose lives have been destroyed (even though the program is still here). The only two things working Americans like the Tea Party and Republicans will have to do is pay the full cost of the federal welfare system and keep their jobs.

Republicans at the GOP conference have made it clear they want to move in to a more progressive agenda with the “war on poverty,” as is shown by this chart. If the GOP wins control of the Senate, and President Obama wins the White House, in addition to expanding the entitlement program, President Obama may find there are even more problems facing him and his conservative base. The Tea Party has raised the issue of amnesty in the past through their immigration plan called “Fast & Furious.” The American people have to pay attention to the issue. This legislation could very much help those who are struggling to live and work here

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Tea Party And Scarcity Of Jobs. (August 10, 2021). Retrieved from