Rubber Export Situation of Vietnam Rubber Group and Solutions for Export by 2015
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Hochiminh City – 2013………………………………………………………………………….GRADUATION THESISMajorInternational BusinessTopicRUBBER EXPORT SITUATION OF VIETNAM RUBBER GROUP AND SOLUTIONS FOR EXPORT BY 2015SupervisorDr. Le Van BayStudentNguyen Thai Xuan Vu Student ID 84010900382Course2009 – 2013[pic 4]TABLE OF CONTENTSSUMMARY        1PREFACE        2Reasons for choosing research project        2Objective of study        2Scope of research        3Methods of research        3Thesiss structure        3CHAPTER 1. SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL BASIS OF EXPORT        4General theory of export        4Export and the role of export to the economy        4Vietnams Rubber and the role of Vietnams rubber exports to the world economy 7General introduction about the world rubber industry        9World rubber supply        10World rubber demand        11Experience in management of natural rubber production and export of some countries in the world.        13Thailand        13Indonesia        14Malaysia        15Lessons for Vietnams rubber industry        16Challenges for Vietnams rubber exports        18CONCLUSION CHAPTER 1        20CHAPTER 2. SITUATION ANALYSIS OF RUBBER EXPORT BY THE VIETNAM RUBBER GROUP        21Introduction to the rubber industry of Vietnam        21About the history of the rubber industry of Vietnam        21Characteristics of the rubber industry of Vietnam        21Situation of  rubber export in the Vietnam Rubber Group        25About Vietnam Rubber Group        25Analysis of factors affecting the export of natural latex rubber Industry Group Vietnam        33Analysis the situation of exports of Vietnam Rubber Group        42CONCLUSION CHAPTER 2        59CHAPTER        3.        RUBBER        EXPORT DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS OF VIETNAM RUBBER GROUP IN 2015        60SWOT analysis of the rubber export situation at Vietnam Rubber Group        60Strengths        60Weaknesses        603.1.3        Opportunities        613.1.4.        Challenges        62The solutions to complete natural rubber exports in VRG        63Restructuring and improving product quality of rubber latex        63The solutions of the product prices        67The solutions of the target market        68Solutions for marketing activities        71CONCLUSION CHAPTER 3        72CONCLUSION        73BIBLIOGRAPHY        74LIST OF DIAGRAMSChart 1. 1 . Natural rubber production of some countries in        10Chart 2.1. Rubber plantation area by regions in 2011        24Chart 2.2. Natural rubber production in the world in 2011        36Chart 2.3. Production and consumption of natural rubber through the years        38Chart 2.4. The price of natural rubber in the world        39Chart 2.5: Rubber Consumption Group through years        46Chart 2.6. Production of rubber exports in 2012        50Chart 2.7. Export rubber price        52Chart 2.8. The results of the Groups business over the years        59LIST OF IMAGESFigure 1. 1 . Forecast consumption of automobile tires        13Figure 1. 2 . Forecast consumption of commercial vehicles        13LIST OF TABLESTable 1.1 Areas, output and yield of rubber trees by mode of production, in 2011        8Table 1.2 Area, production and yield of rubber trees by region in 2011        9Table 2.1 Production of natural rubber consumption in 2011        37Table 2.2 Statistics rubber area in 2010-2012        43Table 2.3 Rubber production in 2010-2012        44Table 2.4 Export turnover of Vietnam Rubber Group Through the years        47Table 2.5 Structure of rubber exported through the years        49Table 2.6 SVR 3L rubber price in January 2012        54Table 2.7 12 markets leading in the export of natural rubber in 2012        56

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Table Of Contentssummary        1Preface        2Reasons And Management Of Natural Rubber Production. (July 4, 2021). Retrieved from