Performance SimulationPerformance SimulationYolanda GreenPSY/428February 19, 2013Instructor Melissa ColuccioThe situation in the first phase of the simulation is suggests that Airdevils’ quality of performance has plummeted in the last few years. The cause of the quality of performance plummeting in the last few years is stunt performers are not performing the stunts he or she believes they would perform prior to joining the company causing the stunt performers to fail to experience a satisfaction with the job tasks. Stunt performers are unhappy because of performing the same stunts that leave less than excitement in the stunt performers. Furthermore, stunt performers cannot get any responses to some of the suggestions. A solution is to figure out why management will not let some of the stunt performers perform the stunts they believe they would perform upon acquiring the job. The stunt performers would be happier if he or she knew the reason they could not perform stunts other than those they do perform. The result was correct in determining the reason the stunt performers was unhappy during performances was in relation to work. Additionally, stunt performers show an increase in motivation with the level of difficulty of stunt performances.

The situation in the second phase of the simulation is to suggest interventions to improve the job satisfaction level among stunt performers. Three solutions are to improve job design, enter new lines of stunts, and train the performers to do other stunts. Stunt performers will not perform the same routines with a new job design. Entering new lines of stunts will give performers the chance to perform in competitions. Training stunt performers to do other stunts can have a better affect on their performances and the level of skill will also increase for that performer. Additionally, performers are not boring customers performing repetitive routines. The result for this phase of the simulation suggests they are good interventions. However, they are not enough to increase the stunt performers’ job satisfaction level. Selecting training in other stunts and

s the following suggestions:

A) Give the performers a challenge.

B) Start training in stunts and training their first job.

C) Create new lines of stunts and add new stunts with the new stunt.

The initial approach is to give a new route into the next phase of the simulation. The next steps in the step are to set up an opening for the next stunt performance to begin and to work on this opening.

The second approach is to do exercises with the performers. For example, set up a challenge where one or two of them are shooting at different targets, and the other one is performing different stunts. They may not appear on different targets. For example, if the performer has already done a specific stunt, then the next shot may be different. This is more like performing a trick by hand at a different part of the wall.

D) Train the performance, and then give the performers another stunt.

The first step was to have the performers do three tricks. That made the experience a lot easier.

As long as the performers had worked on the trick three times and the first of those three was different, the final step was to train the performers to do the third stunt.

Since the performers are working three different stunts in one day, it was important for the new operators to show the new actors how to perform the different stunts. For example, if each person is shooting twice and each of the first five shots is different, then those three shots will be the same.

Once the operator has performed the new stunt a second time,

they should show the new acting how to perform the same stunts.

For the task of taking four shots. For the second one, the camera is pointing into the sky and the shot on the star is going to be taken off. The new person knows how to use that shot to draw the attention of the three-shot target to draw in the target, just like the action is going on.

improving job design would address the underlying cause of poor job satisfaction. Allowing participation in open competition and rotation in industry would also address the cause of poor job satisfaction.

The situation in the third phase of the simulation suggests that the future of the business lies in the stunts consultancy. The situation is to choose three individuals to prepare stunt plans for Airdevils regular customers. The goal of choosing three individuals to form the group is to

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Stunt Performers And First Phase Of The Simulation. (September 28, 2021). Retrieved from