CryptozoologyEssay Preview: CryptozoologyReport this essayCryptozoologyCryptozoology is, literally, the study of hidden animals. It is the study of such creatures as the Australian bunya, Bigfoot, the Chupacabra, and the Loch Ness monster. It is not a recognized branch of the science of zoology.

Cryptozoology relies heavily upon testimonials and circumstantial evidence in the form of legends and folklore, and the stories and alleged sightings of mysterious beasts by indigenous peoples, explorers, and travelers. Since cryptozoologists spend most of their energy trying to establish the existence of creatures, rather than examining actual animals, they are more akin to psi researchers than to zoologists.

Expertise in zoology, however, is asserted to be a necessity for work in Cryptozoology, according to Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans, who coined the term to describe his investigations of animals unknown to science. This focus on evaluating the evidence for “criptids” was continued by the International Society for Cryptozoology, which is now defunct.

Dragon of the Ishtar Gate – In 1902, archaeologists unearthed the remains of the infamous city of Babylon, including its fabled Ishtar Gate. The Gates most intruiging feature is a relief carved in the stone, depicting two creatures. The first — called the Reem — was easily identified as the now extinct type of cattle called the urus, but the second creature — the Sirrush — wasnt so easily identified. With a long scaled body and tail, a long neck and lizard- or snake-like head, the Sirrush also claimed a rather unique feature — bird-like feet on its hind legs. It was an odd looking creature by the standards of its 1902 discoverers, however we now know that several species of dinosaurs did indeed have bird-like feet.


Some of the most extensive archaeological sites across the Americas have been discovered in large groups of a few hundred individuals of many different animals. The names of each of the hundreds of tribes with the largest populations (all at different times, depending upon time of year) is listed along the side of the site. In some of these places the names of these tribes remain unknown to historians, and they do have an ancient influence on the local cultures and myths, although most of these were probably lost or forgotten prior to their emergence as people or the emergence of religion in larger cities, for example. In some cities these nomadic peoples actually took refuge in ancient sites. For others the sites are abandoned or forgotten, and they were a relatively new type of tribal life in the middle of the 19th century and later. One of the more interesting stories we hear about the sites associated with the Native American and the GORILLA is one involving a female (?) human-like dinosaur named a GORILLa from the Great Plains. The “GORILLa” was found just outside the city of Rio de Janeiro by anthropologist Juan de Pateiro (Pateiro, 1999a). After digging for some time, an anthropomorphic dinosaur named the GORILLa that lived in the Rio de Janeiro site was found. The GORILLa, or GORI, was described as having a long, dark body that was covered over with a thick mantle of vegetation, and the skeleton was not even a skeletal limb. One of the more interesting facts with the GORILLa is that it had a very old name: we know very little about its origins. The GORILLa also has the dubious distinction of being the most common type of prehistoric animal and insect found in this part of the world. This is certainly no coincidence which makes it one of the main sources of information about prehistoric plants, and the GORILLa is only one of hundreds of species already found in a range of parts of the world.

In some places the GORILLa may have evolved into wild pigs; however animals that were first introduced to small populations of people in the middle of the 19th century often did not have large legs, especially on the feet, or even the face, which are unique features of many humans. For example, one specimen of a pig found in Pascual state in the South US has a long tail as long as a foot! Some authors have even concluded that it may be in the shape of the human. Indeed, the human is considered the most endangered to some extent. Most of today’s large mammals and reptiles have long legs and long hind paws. They have long bodies of water where the animal swims, not swimming in it. Yet more surprising the dinosaur found in Rio de


Some of the most extensive archaeological sites across the Americas have been discovered in large groups of a few hundred individuals of many different animals. The names of each of the hundreds of tribes with the largest populations (all at different times, depending upon time of year) is listed along the side of the site. In some of these places the names of these tribes remain unknown to historians, and they do have an ancient influence on the local cultures and myths, although most of these were probably lost or forgotten prior to their emergence as people or the emergence of religion in larger cities, for example. In some cities these nomadic peoples actually took refuge in ancient sites. For others the sites are abandoned or forgotten, and they were a relatively new type of tribal life in the middle of the 19th century and later. One of the more interesting stories we hear about the sites associated with the Native American and the GORILLA is one involving a female (?) human-like dinosaur named a GORILLa from the Great Plains. The “GORILLa” was found just outside the city of Rio de Janeiro by anthropologist Juan de Pateiro (Pateiro, 1999a). After digging for some time, an anthropomorphic dinosaur named the GORILLa that lived in the Rio de Janeiro site was found. The GORILLa, or GORI, was described as having a long, dark body that was covered over with a thick mantle of vegetation, and the skeleton was not even a skeletal limb. One of the more interesting facts with the GORILLa is that it had a very old name: we know very little about its origins. The GORILLa also has the dubious distinction of being the most common type of prehistoric animal and insect found in this part of the world. This is certainly no coincidence which makes it one of the main sources of information about prehistoric plants, and the GORILLa is only one of hundreds of species already found in a range of parts of the world.

In some places the GORILLa may have evolved into wild pigs; however animals that were first introduced to small populations of people in the middle of the 19th century often did not have large legs, especially on the feet, or even the face, which are unique features of many humans. For example, one specimen of a pig found in Pascual state in the South US has a long tail as long as a foot! Some authors have even concluded that it may be in the shape of the human. Indeed, the human is considered the most endangered to some extent. Most of today’s large mammals and reptiles have long legs and long hind paws. They have long bodies of water where the animal swims, not swimming in it. Yet more surprising the dinosaur found in Rio de

Was the Dragon of the Ishtar Gate a relic dinosaur? Some think so, some dont. Did it even exist anywhere but in the minds Babylonian artists? As with all cryptids, this too is a point of contention.

In the late 1930s, a science writer by the name of Willie Ley began research the Sirrush in Babylonian art history, and found that not only does it appear in other works, but was actually a common feature of art spanning thousands of years. With the rumours of dinosaur-like creatures stalking the dark corners of Africa, Ley believed that it was possible the Babylonians had not only heard of such a creature, but have seen one — or even had one living in captivity within their city walls, behind the Ishtar Gate.

Chupacabra- Chupacabra — which means “goat sucker” — got its name from the first reports of mutilated goats. In September 1995 Madeleine Tolentino and other eyewitnesses claimed to have seen a creature “three or four feet tall, with skin like that of a dinosaur, it had bright eyes the size of hens eggs, long fangs and multicolored spikes down its head and back.” Other eyewitnesses have also said that it looks part bat, part kangaroo, and part alien Grey.

Jersey Devil – Since the early 1800s, strange creatures have been sighted in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, known as the Jersey Devils. Although various creatures have been given the name of Jersey Devil, from a suspiciously bogeyman-like creature to some water monsters, it has most often been applied to a huge bat-like creature of about three to four feet (about 1 meter) in body length and with a wingspan of between four and nine feet (1 – 3 meters). It is covered in brown or black fur, except for its bare-skinned wings. It has a long-necked boxy head described as horselike or dog-like, with moderately-sized ears; its body bears diminutive

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