Decision Making Under Uncertainly
Answer 1 – I am Son of my MotherAnswer 2 – I am older brother.Answer 3 – I am student of Religious GURU (Teacher)Answer 4 – I am Husband of my wife.Answer 5 – I am father of my daughter.Answer 6 – I am Teacher. (my profession was Asst. Prof.)Answer 7 – I am Engineer.  Answer 8 – I am Social worker.Answer 9 – I am sportsman. Answer 10 – I am “YOGI”. (Hinduism; Karma Yogi)First I am son of mother; there weren’t any kind of excuses why mom is important. But In my point at now where I am it’s only because of my mom. I have no word to express about my mom.After my father was dead, I take all responsibility of my brother, he is like first son. After giving all the happiness I am not accepting anything to me, I did become it’s my duty.All these thought and my guide is only due to GURU.After marriage in my religious we believe WIFE as “ARDHGINI” means that the wife is the other half of the body of the man. There will be no propagation of the human race without the other half present on earth. I want to become best man ( super man) of my daughter (my 9 month baby), I am teacher when I going to teach my student I apply many physiological methods and many more. I am computer engineer in specialization in security. Many time I work for social services. I love sports and would like play frequently; Cricket & Chess is my favorite sport.After all these things and thinking I am these and that; I believe that I am not did anythings.YOGI means in Sanskrit that         root “yuj” meaning to control” (self discipline), “to yoke” (egolessness) or “to unite” (live in a cosmic consciousness). And I am going to practice it, each and every moment of my life.

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Student Of Religious Guru And Month Baby. (July 2, 2021). Retrieved from