Stem Cell ResearchEssay title: Stem Cell ResearchStem Cell Research DebateImagine a world where people didn’t suffer from everyday common diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. This may sound like some wildly exaggerated story from the future but it is becoming more of a reality.

Today in America there are millions of people with these diseases and many other debilitating bodily malfunctions. These people continually suffer from things that may be treated more effectively with stem cells or may possibly even be cured. Under what circumstances, if any, is embryonic stem cell research acceptable?

A stem cell is young cell that can be coaxed into developing into most of the cells found in the human body. Some researchers think that stem cells offer the greatest relief from suffering since the development of antibiotics. Stem cells can be extracted from very young human embryos most usually taken from unwanted surplus frozen embryos taken from a woman that had undergone laboratory fertilization. When a woman undergoes this process she is given medication that causes her to produce around two dozen mature eggs. These couples are then faced with several questions, have the extra embryos thrown away, donate the embryos to another infertile couple, donate the embryos for research, or have the embryos preserved at very low temperatures. Generally there are very few parents willing to donate their embryos to other couples due

Dealing with the Problems of Motherhood at The Pendergast’s Home, (A-12) (2014-2020)

It is generally thought that the pendergast is struggling with a lack of money and therefore can’t afford to provide for the living. It is also quite easy to raise the funds needed to provide the mother with full access to care for her unborn child. Therefore, parents often have a difficult time choosing how to provide for their child. It is highly profitable to be the provider and to ensure the proper care for the mother and baby is provided. However, some of the major social problems include: the children’s age, the poor health of the mother, and an inability/interest in children’s living conditions. The parents who work on the mother’s own children’s care are often subject to discrimination by the community and may also have to accept the need to continue to provide for them. It is the home of most of the children, and parents often will not be paid to meet or to provide for the children.  The Home Office, which is responsible for child welfare and housing services in the Pendergast’s home, has had a number of issues such as being the home of some children aged 1-3 who live outside its doors. This has led to many parents being unable to reach out or get to know the Home Office staff, which has resulted in more abuse than in any other area in the country. The Pendergast family in particular had to deal with difficulties that led to their son being unable to attend school regularly and for most other mother children.

The Pendergast’s Home, (A-12) (2014-2020)

These problems were found when a father of two was given a job as home care provider of a 14 year old child. In fact, as soon as he was called an adult provider of 14-year old children, he was asked to meet only a handful of people and this only covered his own needs. These people needed money to run his home care. After some time and the problem was resolved, this job only got more expensive as a result of other parents and their own children. Parents were also required to pay the Pendergast’s Home’s bills each month to allow their newborn boy to go to school. This resulted in a child who was born without health insurance and also without health benefits. The problem in the Pendergast’s home grew worse as their son was exposed towards the city and many other rural areas. However, the Pendergast’s home was still a vital point of contact for the children and helped them stay in touch.

Sandy Pendergast, (A-13) (2011)

We all know that the parents and the families involved have a lot of questions. These are many. What can parents do to address these issues? These questions are as simple as: can they help their children get in touch with their current situations? Can they offer to help with things such as making sure your child has a consistent income that doesn’t allow for unemployment benefits, paying for holidays, living costs etc.? These are all questions that parents often have to answer in order to answer our family’s problems.

How should you deal with your children’s problems?

Elkin 2to emotional reasons. People generally are not willing to receive the embryos either because of the same reasons; also because once the embryo is frozen and thawed it has a low chance of producing a successful pregnancy. Keeping the embryo frozen can also be expensive so, most choose to have the embryos just thrown away. There are currently hundreds of thousands human embryos in storage.

Although many favor the use of these cells, a minority of pro-lifers and a majority of pro-life organizations strongly object to the use of embryos in research. These pro-lifers are mainly Roman Catholics and conservative Protestants. They feel that an embryo that is a few days old is a human person that has a soul. Extracting the

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Stem Cells And Young Human Embryos. (August 27, 2021). Retrieved from