The South Part of the American Colony – Essay – august
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/American History
The South Part of the American Colony
The south part of the American colony
the north part of american colony include maryland, virginia , north carolina , south carolina and georgia. the south colony have the largest territory in three regions of colonies.and there are some characters for this typical region.

First , the population .the population of a region is really important . For example , Chian ,a strong developed country . Its increase of economy ,in one way, is because of its large population. That means an efficient work and a ghastly sum of work will be done in a same time . In south colonies, the quantity of white man is smaller than any other colonies in America. In some ways, it will make the efficency get lower. But the trade of slaves give the solution of problem. Most of the population consisted of enslaved africans works on plantation , that conspicuously enhance the production of crops in south colonies and that is also why the economy in south improve quickly after the trade on sea beginning.

Second , climate. American have a large range of ground . From north to south, the average temperature increase. And the precipitation raised gradually. When getting the south colony, the sunshine is adequate , the precipitation is moderate. Warm weather

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(2016, 04). The South Part of the American Colony. Retrieved 04, 2016, from
“The South Part of the American Colony” 04 2016. 2016. 04 2016 < "The South Part of the American Colony.", 04 2016. Web. 04 2016. < "The South Part of the American Colony." 04, 2016. Accessed 04, 2016. Essay Preview By: august Submitted: April 3, 2016 Essay Length: 392 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Essay Views: 401 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays American Colony Lifestyles So close yet so far The lifestyle in the three American colonies sections, varied dramatically, the most obvious was the difference between the New England 923 Words  |  4 Pages The Pivitol Effect of the French and Indian War on Great Britain and Its American Colonies The French and Indian War helped to put an extensive strain on the relations of the powerful Great Britain and its loyal American Colonies. The 820 Words  |  4 Pages American Colonies When settlers from England came to America, they envisioned a Utopia, where they would have a say in what the government can and cannot do. 675 Words  |  3 Pages Spanish and American Colonialism At the turn of the 15th century, the Spanish entered the New World under the blessing of the Pope and Catholic Church. The Spanish were 265 Words  |  2 Pages Similar Topics Quiet American Spanish American War Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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South Part Of The American Colony And North Part Of American Colony. (July 8, 2021). Retrieved from