Essay Preview: Myspace
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The main purpose of this essay is to describe the social network, MySpace; analysing the modes of the value production, the kind of labour involved or exploited and the business model behind the web surface. Along with this description we provide additional information on the value production of the website and how it transforms its value to money.

MySpace is one of several social networking portals that has been largely recognised in the last several years along with Friendster,
The MySpace website consists of web profiles, blogs, instant messaging, e-mail, music downloads, photo galleries, events, groups, chatrooms, and user forums. Its basically a website where people connect and share their life experiences. Because MySpace can play and store music [

There are many diverse MySpace profiles such as normal user profile, artist profile, filmmaker profile and comedian profile. Only uploading pictures and the profile information is common to all the profiles like name, friend list, comments from others and blogs. Users have the liberty to add film clips, music and more on their personal page to make it more personal and say more about themselves as individuals.

A regular MySpace page
The page of upcoming artistes
This website has increased aspiring bands or artistes recognition, giving people the opportunity to sample their music and this is of advantage because they get to reach out to a very versatile crowd of different backgrounds and age groups.

After researching the social networks culture, it was found that various concepts of business models apply to it with various measures of likeness or difference. A single reference model was found by an Alex Osterwalder, which almost puts together the different, various models and is used to analyze MySpace.

MySpace via efficient distribution has made great value by having a trusted relationship with its customers and through that attracting new ones. Understanding and delivering value to the customer creates brand equity for the company that translates to value for the company.

The social network of MySpace is the actual source of value production and the value of good is more or less determined by the user base. The website delivers value with the addition of things outside the networks initial effects or culture (therefore reaching out to more of the potential customers and masses) such as photo sharing, bloging and so on. “The network effects are considered to arise on the demand side, distinguishing this from the often used term “economy of scale”, which is supply side.” (Shapiro and Varian)

MySpaces great success can be brought down to its different cultural practices and values from other similar social networks. By using the peer-to-peer network model, MySpace allows users to take control of the sites content while sharing their intellectual capital. The way the consumers use the site for self-expression is one of the factors bringing great success to this website. Being able to personalize the page according to your taste, with pictures and blogs and trying to create the best profile is of great importance to the social network. They listen to the users wants and needs and actually implement what is suggested in their strategies. Almost every week a new feature is added, giving a more personal chance and therefore making the user furthermore interested in the website.

The fact that anybody can be anybodys friend is another factor in the companys success, especially with the

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Social Network And Value Production Of The Website. (June 8, 2021). Retrieved from