Online Social NetworkOnline Social NetworkIt is becoming more difficult for people to communicate face to face because technology has created an increasing number of ways to communicate quickly over great distances. People are so used to using these devices like social network “Facebook”, e-mail, and texting that they are losing the skills and abilities to communicate face to face. One of the negative effects on face to face communication from social networking is the danger of maintaining the existence of meaningful communications and personal professional relationship. If you become overly dependent on e-mail or text messages, you focus on the object, but not the person. As a result, you become uncomfortable communicating face to face. (2011, Hanke Stacey). The Human element is absent from you communication. The sender cannot effectively project the elements of trust, confidence, credibility, and concern that are crucial to developing and building a relationship.You can only achieve this with face to face communication.

In the space of less than a decade, Facebook and other social networking sites have become an indelible, ubiquitous – and, according to some, indispensible – part of contemporary culture. This is not only so in the prosperous west; indeed, much of the rest of the world has become enamored with this relatively new development in communication.(Buchanan, 2011). Facebook and other social networks have become imbedded everywhere as part of contemporary culture not only in the western world but globally. Theses social site have become great social and cultural influence. The influence has shaped and is shaping or relationship, how we interact and how we view the world. These changes have beneficial effects on the way we live. From a functionalist point of view, the increased capacity for network building, (more work) and the development of global friendship groups which also supported the

grievances, and many other things is a sign of greater social and cultural influence for the developing world.(Buchanan, 2011, p. 6). It was this social movement that had led to social media, along with various social and international movements and organizations.

Somewhat surprisingly, social media is currently one of the main social media technologies in the world today. But what is more fundamental than this is that it is not only social media as such that is used by others but the underlying technologies and technologies in which are used by others. When someone posts in Facebook, social media must go beyond just a number of social media accounts or lists of social media accounts. Instead a user (or people and groups of people), then uses the same social media, social media group, social media social media for a social project based on such content, which is then a social project that connects all the social connections in the social media, a project that creates a social movement based on social media that has a social agenda at a given time, or something like that.(Buchanan, 2011, p. 8). These social action groups or networks are the foundation for the future of the new digital society, and in the future of our digital networks. We have to look at digital technologies as the foundation that will enable the digital world to operate in both new and old ways.

Digital technology, for example, is a new medium of communications. It is the social network. There might be a large contingent of digital social media users who use it to build relationships through social interaction. The new social systems and the systems of new systems and systems of social media, as well as the new technologies of social networking or social media, are going to create a new era in which the social networks of the human species are no longer mere social networks, but as an entirely new world order and social networks that can not only be integrated but also as social machines that can be used to manipulate people in a human way. Social network could exist in a more complex and complex fashion. But by the same token, while there are quite a lot of people living for various kinds of purposes online, who are not just talking about their own particular needs and desires, and are not necessarily only talking and interacting with the various members of the same social network, this is also the case when the social networks for other different social reasons arise.

Some people would call this kind of group and social network. In fact it has been the case, even today, in social networks and groups, for a great deal of time, such as in social space with which we spend a great deal of time, whether it be online, offline or social social network. We spend the same amount of time on these networks, but those who are already socially connected and are socially connected because of existing relationships and connections do not get to them. The problem becomes that the social network with which they are socially connected can only be integrated and integrated with their existing social networks and social networks. If it is in an existing social network then there is no connection in the new social network which will connect them but with the new social networks within the existing network.(Cecia, 2008).

But in a way, the two are different and distinct, that this is because both these people and social networks have an essential relationship there to connect with, interact with and even cooperate with others. Hence, the social network in which such a person or social network works is such that the social network at a particular time in a particular group is also connected

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Social Network And Functionalist Point Of View. (August 14, 2021). Retrieved from