Canadian Pacific Railway DevelopmentCanadian Pacific Railway DevelopmentCanadian Pacific Railway DevelopmentThis article was about the Canadian Pacific Railway. For over 100 years, the railway has practiced a tonnage based shipping model. Trains were to wait in their yards until there were enough shipments to justify a train journey from one point to another. The result of this method was that very few trains traveled, and that the trains that did travel were never on a regular schedule. This resulted in much inefficiency for the company. Some of the issues were trains were sitting in yards with half full loads for days, yard workers having inconsistent shifts and sometimes sitting around in case a train might leave that day, and most importantly, customers were uncertain of delivery times for their goods. The “efficient” movement model resulted in poor customer satisfaction and a rather large set of excess equipment such as train cars, locomotives, and workers. As a result, the profit of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was very low and the company decided it was time for a new model.

CPR hired MultiModal Applied Systems to help them formulate a solution. This solution was to have the guiding goals of more consistent train schedules, and higher customer service. The new approach was based on a small stepladder of models, which built off each other to form the final product. The first model was the block approach. A block was a group of cars with the same departure point and destination. The model worked to find how blocks of cars could be easily combined and separated in yards so that the most blocks possible, were moving at all times towards their final destination. Previously, trains had stopped at many or all yards along their long journey. Now, with the blocking model, some yards were bypassed and others were used with varying frequencies to help balance the workload of the yards and to make for more efficient paths for the blocks to travel on. This model had constraints based on the distance a block would travel compared to its shortest possible path, the busyness of yards, and the maximum length that a train could be. This model was worked on and reworked on a weekly basis, as new shipments were created, and thus each week a block would travel the most efficient path it could without over extending any other set of blocks.

Outside or on top of the block model was the train model. Trains had to have at least one locomotive and a crew. They had to be scheduled in routes that allowed them to pick up new blocks when they reached their destination, and thus keep the train loaded to at a reasonable level at all times. By working with the block model, the train model allowed for the most efficient train engine possible to do the job. Smaller engines were used for smaller trips, and larger engines were used on only the biggest trips. Also, the number of stops and starts were minimized, as this allowed for a more efficient use of fuel. By not stopping in all yards, a train could save fuel and thus lower costs. Another benefit of not stopping in many yards was that a train would have a faster travel time from point to point. This allowed for faster shipments, but it also allowed for a train to go slower and be more fuel-efficient if it did not need to rush to be on time. Thus, through the train system, fuel and crews were made more efficient.

Lastly, the model was applied to a day of the week and seasonality model. Since shipments can be ordered in as little as two weeks time, the model needed to be able to predict how different days, weeks, and months should be scheduled. This model was created with the history of the past few years, but it could be weighted so that more recent months, weeks, or days affect the prediction more. This was the last and biggest encompassing model to help set the schedules and once those were in place, allowed for the scheduling of crews, cars, locomotives, and maintenance, in a timely and predictable fashion.

The outcome of this was a model of efficiency and customer satisfaction. Millions of dollars were saved year after year, and excess supplies were paired down. The CPR was able to lower its number of cars, engines, and crews, because the trains were now traveling more efficiently and with a consistency that allowed for them to remove equipment which had before, simply had to sit and wait for usage. The number of starts a train had to make was lowered, the average speed and thus fuel used by a train was lowered, and the expected times of regular routes was lowered when compared to their time of travel before the remodel. The CPR came out of this new model with a leaner, more profitable operation, and has been using and refining the models ever since.

The CPR in the 1960s

A second, equally important, cost factor was the CPR’s reliance on oil and other materials. In a number of areas of the world, such as Japan in the early to mid-1960s, the CPR did not perform as it did during World War II and the mid-1970s. This is because the Japanese did not keep their fuel supplies in good shape during the mid-1970s. In general, their fuel supplies was underutilized during the 1950s; however, by the mid-1970s the CPR could keep use to 40% in many locations.

The cost of oil came down while the fuel supply was improved: In the late 1970s, some of Japan’s largest oil and gas interests, especially the oil companies that were involved in the first oil production wells, decided to start producing their own, non-oil fluids. But oil companies were concerned that a “federal contract” would limit fuel in Japan. This “federated” industry that was creating fuel that could only be used to meet oil production requirements that had been approved by the government had failed to develop sufficient crude oil production to meet a minimum demand. The new oil did not produce sufficient oil to meet the national demand nor does it appear that it would improve the productivity of government contracts. At the same time, the companies were convinced that, by developing new non-oil fluids, other countries would not be able to find oil domestically.

Oil companies believed that, for Japan to get on the map (and thus be the “world’s first” natural-gas producer at an oil price) the government would have to develop reserves of oil within Japan to pay for the necessary additional expenses. Unfortunately, this was not met, with the Japanese government actually purchasing enough oil and other materials to meet the price of fuel (which began to rise). A final reason for the Japanese government’s decision to get on board with the American oil companies was cost. During the late-1970s, gasoline prices began to fall because of the decline in cost of oil – such as gasoline used during WWII and gas imported from North America and Europe during the early 70s. These prices in the late 1970s were the equivalent of a quarter of a million U.S. dollars. The lack of the necessary reserves for Japan’s economic growth spurred the government to buy more oil.

• In 1991, oil prices were falling rapidly while gasoline levels were rising because American consumers were buying American cars and trucks as their primary source of fuel (the U.S. had not yet had a car engine for at least another 70 years and not a car engine that was in stock before 2005).[6] This was coupled with a massive expansion of American gasoline production for the first time in more than a century, leading to an increase in U.S. national capacity.[7] America’s gas was able to provide 4.3% of U.S. gasoline, a rise that was much higher than the U.S.’s 3% which was already so high. Moreover, U.S. gasoline capacity by volume is only 4% of US production,[8][10] which led to an overall increase in U.S. national capital. The United States government was also able to spend much less on military spending than was currently being needed. With gasoline consumption nearly double that of U.S. gasoline in 1991&#8211, as well as a major reduction in military spending over the past 35 years, it would cost America just $9.3 billion to replace more than 50 million gallon-plus of gasoline today.[11] With the addition of this new source-of-fiber fuel, however, it would reduce the total U.S. U.S. economy by less than 1.4% in the next 40 years.[11] As one estimate put it, “The cost of this U.S.-owned gas will be about $15,500.” Even after all this, if American consumers were paying $10,000 or more for a gallon of gasoline, the cost of doing so would still be far greater than what is available for Japan. Although there were few reports of Americans even paying this amount of cost for the refueling required (with average U.S. consumers paying under $3/gallon for fuel), the cost of the US government using the US dollars to finance the refueling of this fuel could be quite hefty. For example, during the early 1970s, Congress approved a $70 billion US gas tax that would continue to remain in place until 2021 or 2022.[11] However, when gasoline prices and U.S. gasoline capacity began to rise in 2000, American consumers were able to order an additional 50,000 gallon gasoline truck instead. Despite this increase, US demand for gasoline remained flat during the following three decades. This prompted a $150 billion US oil price hike that would have been to the tune of $300 billion if combined with the increased gasoline used during the war at the end of WWII.[12] This caused the price of oil to increase in price, but not so much that they would have to increase much more under an economic slowdown. In 1992, oil prices had reached a new level. This caused a major drop in U.S. consumer debt even though the U.S. economy was already growing rapidly. This means that during the coming decade, consumers would not be able to pay back their debt for more than their consumption in the beginning. This had the unforeseen consequences of ending up in a situation where America decided to pull the United States out of the world war and start working on infrastructure.

Source of Fuel Costs During the Late 1970’s

U.S. gasoline supplies have a lot going for it (with gasoline prices hitting $200 a gallon or as low as $10 per gallon). These prices fluctuated between the early 1970s and the end of

The Oil and Natural Gas Economic System is a program to maximize the energy and natural resources of Japan. Through the economic system, government has created, through the oil & natural gas economic system, an investment mechanism to get additional money into the country to cover its economic needs.

Japanese petroleum prices are currently at an annualized 0.18% of U.S. dollar for their share of U.S. dollar reserves.

As part of this investment mechanism, the oil & natural gas producers also will receive a credit on their investments by the Department of Financial Services (DFS) for any reserves they have.

This policy helps fuel the economic growth and potential investment in Japan.

Japan’s Oil & Gas Production Fund

The Japanese public pays a share of national government revenue to the DFS.  

To make their country more of a success in achieving its energy goals there are many steps to be done.

1. Increase exports, increase production and increase the market price of a given type of fuel (i.e. natural-gas).

2. Increase exports and increase the value of oil. See Table 1 for a full report that covers the entire process.

3. Reduce tax rates.

4. Provide incentives to encourage foreign investment and to finance the continued existence of Japanese natural & natural gas production.

5. Build large rail and light rail networks.

6. Improve infrastructure. There are an estimated 750,000 K-1 bridges over the country, nearly twice the size of the U.S.

7. Provide new infrastructure to ensure the country’s economic growth and support transportation of natural gas via rail.

8. Provide for new hydroelectric dam/sea dam in Kansai.

9. Increase the size of the local gas & crude storage facility by 50.

10. Increase water & sewer capacity (in the Kansai Bay).

11. Expand the National Petroleum Security Program, which will provide incentives to foreign investment, natural gas & crude storage. (The National Petroleum Security Program will consist of $500 Million in funding to develop the largest natural gas & oil storage facilities in the world, and $5 Million to purchase 20% of the land and the natural gas in the Kansai Bay.)

12. Increase the number of petroleum refineries by 50.

13. Increase the number of domestic and foreign domestic crude oil refiners by 2 Btu.

14. Reduce the amount of imported petroleum products (cbd) that end up in the country from a certain percentage to 25% below the level seen in 2005.

15. Increase petroleum export taxes to reflect the large amount that is processed overseas.

Source: US Department of Energy National Energy Inventory (INAE), 2011-11-19, and (ii) United States Department of Energy, The Japanese Natural Gas Production Tax Credit Act of 1991, 2012, Tax Credit and the INAE-NUER (Oil, Natural Gas and Gas Export Tax Credit) Act of 1992,

Japan’s natural-gas production is expected to increase by up to 4% over the

The Oil and Natural Gas Economic System is a program to maximize the energy and natural resources of Japan. Through the economic system, government has created, through the oil & natural gas economic system, an investment mechanism to get additional money into the country to cover its economic needs.

Japanese petroleum prices are currently at an annualized 0.18% of U.S. dollar for their share of U.S. dollar reserves.

As part of this investment mechanism, the oil & natural gas producers also will receive a credit on their investments by the Department of Financial Services (DFS) for any reserves they have.

This policy helps fuel the economic growth and potential investment in Japan.

Japan’s Oil & Gas Production Fund

The Japanese public pays a share of national government revenue to the DFS.  

To make their country more of a success in achieving its energy goals there are many steps to be done.

1. Increase exports, increase production and increase the market price of a given type of fuel (i.e. natural-gas).

2. Increase exports and increase the value of oil. See Table 1 for a full report that covers the entire process.

3. Reduce tax rates.

4. Provide incentives to encourage foreign investment and to finance the continued existence of Japanese natural & natural gas production.

5. Build large rail and light rail networks.

6. Improve infrastructure. There are an estimated 750,000 K-1 bridges over the country, nearly twice the size of the U.S.

7. Provide new infrastructure to ensure the country’s economic growth and support transportation of natural gas via rail.

8. Provide for new hydroelectric dam/sea dam in Kansai.

9. Increase the size of the local gas & crude storage facility by 50.

10. Increase water & sewer capacity (in the Kansai Bay).

11. Expand the National Petroleum Security Program, which will provide incentives to foreign investment, natural gas & crude storage. (The National Petroleum Security Program will consist of $500 Million in funding to develop the largest natural gas & oil storage facilities in the world, and $5 Million to purchase 20% of the land and the natural gas in the Kansai Bay.)

12. Increase the number of petroleum refineries by 50.

13. Increase the number of domestic and foreign domestic crude oil refiners by 2 Btu.

14. Reduce the amount of imported petroleum products (cbd) that end up in the country from a certain percentage to 25% below the level seen in 2005.

15. Increase petroleum export taxes to reflect the large amount that is processed overseas.

Source: US Department of Energy National Energy Inventory (INAE), 2011-11-19, and (ii) United States Department of Energy, The Japanese Natural Gas Production Tax Credit Act of 1991, 2012, Tax Credit and the INAE-NUER (Oil, Natural Gas and Gas Export Tax Credit) Act of 1992,

Japan’s natural-gas production is expected to increase by up to 4% over the

An important question is why the government couldn’t buy more. By 1973, the Japanese government had purchased a total of 100 billion yen (roughly $3 billion) from the United States, and over the following years prices for U.S. crude oil began to rise. During this period, prices for U.S. crude fell to an average 90-100% range in 1973, whereas prices for Saudi crude fell to their lowest level in 20 years. This was due largely to the OPEC price decline that started after the 1973 OPEC oil embargo, which caused

The CPR model is a great example of how the old way of doing business is being surpassed by new approaches. Technology, and programs that run models in particular are becoming

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Shipping Model And Movement Model. (October 3, 2021). Retrieved from