Adolescents with Bulimia – Term Paper – melilamorenita
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Adolescents with Bulimia
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February 02, 2016
Doctor Melanie Hopkin
Head of Adolescent Psychology Department
Kaiser Permanente
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Dear Doctor Hopkins:
Attached is my report, Adolescents with Bulimia. I have had the opportunity to vastly expand my knowledge on the topic of bulimia while generating this report. I have learned an extensive amount about the dangers of living with bulimia, and I believe that the information would be of much use to your company. Thank you very much for the support that you have provided me with throughout this extensive process.

I am aware that adolescent psychologists are dedicated to their career fields. They go into their careers with the intent to help our youth. They have the ability to work with their young patients in order to strive for a calmer, saner mindset. With this being said, it is important for them to understand the severity of bulimia.

Bulimia is an extremely dangerous disease that can become deadly. In fact, it has the ability to damage various body parts and organs. Bulimia is described as the act, habit, or process of binging (engorging in large quantities of food), purging (causing your body to vomit), periods of starvation, and a combination of everything. Many psychologists are not aware of the severity of this disorder, and therefore, I would like to share my report with you and your team. I hope this report helps to broaden the knowledge of those within your company.

This has been an informative project for me and I have come out feeling better-rounded than ever before. If you should have any questions in regards to my work please feel free to contact me by telephone at _______________or by email at _______________. Once again, thank you for your time.

Your Name
Analytical Report on Adolescents with Bulimia
Dr. Hopkins
Head of Adolescent Psychology Department
Kaiser Permanente
Santa Clara, California
The severity of bulimia nervosa depends greatly on each separate individual. Bulimia in itself is extremely serious and may become a deadly disorder.
Intervention is possible. In order for intervention to occur the individual must either acknowledge that they are suffering and request assistance, or a family, friend or medical provider must notice the issue and address it.

If left untreated this disease may cause organ failure, rotting of teeth, loss of tooth enamel, burning of stomach lining, irregular bowel movements, and much more (Mayo Clinic). Often times it is difficult to spot an individual with bulimia because their outward appearance reflects that of an average sized individual. It is important to address the issue if it is suspected, in order to determine what treatment, if any, is necessary.

Any licensed physician that suspects that their patient is suffering from bulimia nervosa should follow the following recommendations:
Educate yourself on the disorder.
Speak to the individual about the disorder.
Explain to the individual the negative impacts of suffering with this disorder.
Consider why the individual is engaging in the behavior.
Choose a recovery plan for the individual so that they may work towards engaging in positive behaviors.
Provide the individual with a list of resources.
Follow up with the patient on a regular basis in order to monitor their progress.
In today’s ever evolving society, adolescents constantly feel pressure to fit into various societal norms. As a result, many of America’s youth suffers from various psychological disorders. “Eating disorders are psychological problems marked by an obsession with food and weight,” (NY Times). Individuals often times cannot relate to eating disorders because they

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(2016, 06). Adolescents with Bulimia. Retrieved 06, 2016, from
“Adolescents with Bulimia” 06 2016. 2016. 06 2016 < "Adolescents with Bulimia.", 06 2016. Web. 06 2016. < "Adolescents with Bulimia." 06, 2016. Accessed 06, 2016. Essay Preview By: melilamorenita Submitted: June 16, 2016 Essay Length: 3,279 Words / 14 Pages Paper type: Term Paper Views: 382 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Adolescent Depression: The Under Acknowledged Disease Depression is a disease that afflicts the human psyche in such a way that the afflicted tends to act and react abnormally toward others and 1,125 Words  |  5 Pages Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Across Developmental Trajectory: Cognitive Processing of Threat in Children, Adolescents, and Adults Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder across Developmental Trajectory: Cognitive Processing of Threat in Children, Adolescents, and Adults Everybody experiences intrusive thoughts once in a while, yet we think 470 Words  |  2 Pages Adolescents Today many adolescents are influenced to cause acts of violence because of their peers. Peers play A strong role in the development of the adolescent 303 Words  |  2 Pages Bulimia BULIMIA "It starts off with me thinking about the food that I deny myself when I am dieting. This soon changes into a strong desire 1,469 Words  |  6 Pages Similar Topics Hiv Aids Prevention Among Adolescents Bulimia Nervosa Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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