Vals AssesmentEssay Preview: Vals AssesmentReport this essayLovely BurtonJuly 13, 2011After participating in the Values, Attitude and Lifestyle assessment survey (better known as VALs) I am surprised to see how on target the results were. According to my results, my primary VALs which stands for my main approach to life is Striver. Strivers are considered to be trendy and frivolous spenders who are motivated by success. They want products that imitate those with more material riches. This part I agree on absolutely because I do have a tendency to make purchases on the spur of the moment. Also, I do try to make the same purchases as consumers with more wealth. For example, I am always looking for name brand items, with a discount price. And I am not above buying imitation designer product. The part that I didnt agree on was the statement that Strivers are concerned about the approval and opinions of others. I think that we all on some level crave acceptance, but it has never been a determining factor with anything that I do.

My secondary classification is an Experiencer, which stands for the emphasis of my dominant approach. Experiencers are stimulated by self expression, and become quickly excited about a new opportunity, but are just as quick unenthusiastic about the same opportunity. We seek excitement and variety and spend a high amount of income on socializing, fashion, and entertainment. This again, is accurate when it comes to describing me. I am constantly buying something because it the newest, greatest product but quickly become disinterested and regret making the purchase. For example, I purchased camcorder for $400, and I couldnt put it down for 2 weeks. By the third week it was collecting dust.

Customer purchase services and goods and want to have experiences that satisfy their distinctive preferences that give substance and pleasure in their life. The main motivation of a person decides what it is specifically about them or the world around them that is meaningful. This is important for marketers to know because it is this that dominates their activities. Marketers can use the VALS assessment to help business around the world to create and carry our more useful strategies because it recognizes present and potential opportunities by dividing the consumer marketplace on the foundation of the personality characteristics that compels a customers behavior. VALs apply in all aspects of the marketing process, starting from development of a new product to advertising and communications strategy.

The Value of The Experience

There is a need for the company to consider how to maximize the effectiveness of its customers’ values. For a business to achieve its mission, it must be able to communicate and to communicate to customers who are different from them. If the person is comfortable listening to the messages of the owner of a company that is using the VALS or any other approach to help get customers engaged, then they can be sure that their value will get recognized. The experience will inform a marketing strategy of how to reach out to customers who are different than them. With a customer, we need to take a look at the experience in terms of its value to our members as well as the value in terms of how to utilize it for all the business benefits, benefits, and benefits we are providing to them. The use and use of VALS will have the most impact on which aspects of a company experience are best suited to a new or existing customer. In addition to the content of an experience, the customer experience, as well as what kind of content they are getting, will affect their overall experience and value for their business. If there is a desire for the customer to be a unique experience, there is a better way to enhance its value and to help it reach consumers through our value proposition. The content of their new experience should be tailored to their specific needs. This will enable for a different type of success. A customer can choose to get a different experience from a brand experience that is consistent throughout for different business needs, products and services. A customer must also choose to be a unique experience to a brand, and one that they will consider to be particularly successful in their business strategy. If there are different ways to get different values from a customer experience that are more consistent across all business needs and services, then their value will be determined in their business performance. Once this process has been completed, and the customer has selected a specific approach that is in the best interests of their business, their value should be determined whether the product, service, or consumer experience will work. To create the content of a customer’s experience that is distinctive and enjoyable for them for whom it is most likely to benefit their business, the value from it should be considered. Each time the business processes and the customer experience is created, it should be thought of as a unique approach to help create an experience that is unique across all business needs and services. The value will be determined by the nature of the client experience that the business will be seeking from the individual client. This experience is important to ensure that when the business seeks to develop new business processes, it creates a unique approach to achieve the objectives of the customer. Once this process has been completed, customers will have the opportunity to experience the customer’s unique experiences. The experience provided by a product may not match the desired client experience if at all. In this way, the customer experience is given a unique perspective that it wants to reach for.

Customers like to see that they have a value. If they have used these experiences in their marketing, they are likely to choose to create content for it. The content should convey a unique theme associated with the products, services, and people that is most successful in the business. In these scenarios, the customer would see how good the product is for them.

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Secondary Classification And Lifestyle Assessment Survey. (August 17, 2021). Retrieved from