College Is What You Make of It
College is like an unopened book with no title: you have no idea whats in-store, but you know youre going to learn something. When you first get there and get settled in, you feel as if you are in a whole new world and its a little bit scary to say the least. But as you progress you meet some of the most helpful people, make new friends, make new memories and learn all kinds of interesting things that will become very helpful to you later on in life. The best piece of advice that I have learned my first year at Tennessee Tech is to treat your classes and school work as if it was your job. I learned that the hard way, my first semester at tech I didnt take my classes seriously and I ended up failing. Then my advisor told me to treat it as if it was your job so if I dont do my work or go to me classes Ill get fired and ever since than I have been doing very well. Also, that brings me to the most helpful tool in college, your advisors. Go see them they are there to help you through anything and with any questions you have, they will go out of their way to help you with whatever you need. There are all sorts of useful people and tools on campus to get you through the tough part of college and once you get passed that part then you may very well become one of those helpful people that helped you when you first started, so make sure you pay it forward.

The second piece of advice I have for you is do not procrastinate I know its hard not to, I still do it myself but when that due date comes you will regret it, try and do your homework right after class that way you get it over with and its fresh on your mind. Really, the work that is given by the instructors isnt hard its just the amount of work that will pile up when you procrastinate it can be very over whelming but if you go to class and start doing your work right when you hear about it, it will leave you with plenty of time to get it done before the due

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School Work And Best Piece Of Advice. (July 12, 2021). Retrieved from