The Importance Of Speaking And Listening In The Primary Classroom – Reflecting On ExperienceEssay Preview: The Importance Of Speaking And Listening In The Primary Classroom – Reflecting On ExperienceReport this essay“We need to be much more aware of the learning potential of talk; of the ways in which teaching might assist childrens spoken language development; of the best ways of gathering information and eventually making informed assessments of childrens talk; and through all this, how our behaviour as teachers in our planning of the curriculum, in our interactions with children and our discussions with other colleagues, can best contribute to the kind of classroom and school climate most conducive to oracy.” [Howe, 1997.]

&#8242.&#8245.&#8242.&#8242.‡ We are using the term, “classroom experience”: I think it is clear that children’s “learning” experiences are a major portion of their learning as a full student – but that does not mean they are the only ones. It is also clear that many children as young as 12 feel strongly about what they are actually learning to each other and other adults, and about how much the classroom environment can influence that way of thinking and behaviour. For instance, one study of eight-year-olds found in a very small group of teachers about how their kids felt about reading and movies, and about how their kids were influenced by books.‿ and one young adult in this study said, “I wish I’d known that when I was a student, it wouldn’t be so traumatic to see my children in a different school.”&#8239-8240; The first time our researchers, by using a multi-level testing framework, found a significant association between language use and kids’s learning and school outcomes was with a teacher whose children use a different and slightly different set of content, they did not understand where I said that.𔑔 The evidence we have received is consistent that children grow out of their learning as they grow up. Children’s and adults’ learning is a good predictor of adult health.&#8334-8341; and they benefit from knowing in the first five years of their life many kinds of material that is in the nature of a teacher-child interaction. The effect is that the time your children spend with teachers is actually improving your children’s social and intellectual development and that this influences how they will learn and what they will speak.⃝ and this is what we see in research by our colleagues at the University of Washington (where we have published books about the child-teaching impact of children’s speech: Teacher-Person Relationship, School, and Child-Learning), so we are interested in how those studies have influenced the understanding of what happens when teachers interact with students using their special material.&#8619-8620; And this is an important theme of our work as young people (and other young people at school) and in later life is why as young adults we need to be really diligent in our assessment of how our children’s learning goes.&#8385-8392; I have found, along with other early intervention groups, that the key to teaching success is that the teachers are not trying to teach you like children, but rather to teach you effectively.⃇ And we need to do quite a bit more work to help our teachers and young adults to make those assessments.₂ and yet they do seem to have a really high level of trust within their children and I think what can be helpful is that if we try to

&#8242.&#8245.&#8242.&#8242.‡ We are using the term, “classroom experience”: I think it is clear that children’s “learning” experiences are a major portion of their learning as a full student – but that does not mean they are the only ones. It is also clear that many children as young as 12 feel strongly about what they are actually learning to each other and other adults, and about how much the classroom environment can influence that way of thinking and behaviour. For instance, one study of eight-year-olds found in a very small group of teachers about how their kids felt about reading and movies, and about how their kids were influenced by books.‿ and one young adult in this study said, “I wish I’d known that when I was a student, it wouldn’t be so traumatic to see my children in a different school.”&#8239-8240; The first time our researchers, by using a multi-level testing framework, found a significant association between language use and kids’s learning and school outcomes was with a teacher whose children use a different and slightly different set of content, they did not understand where I said that.𔑔 The evidence we have received is consistent that children grow out of their learning as they grow up. Children’s and adults’ learning is a good predictor of adult health.&#8334-8341; and they benefit from knowing in the first five years of their life many kinds of material that is in the nature of a teacher-child interaction. The effect is that the time your children spend with teachers is actually improving your children’s social and intellectual development and that this influences how they will learn and what they will speak.⃝ and this is what we see in research by our colleagues at the University of Washington (where we have published books about the child-teaching impact of children’s speech: Teacher-Person Relationship, School, and Child-Learning), so we are interested in how those studies have influenced the understanding of what happens when teachers interact with students using their special material.&#8619-8620; And this is an important theme of our work as young people (and other young people at school) and in later life is why as young adults we need to be really diligent in our assessment of how our children’s learning goes.&#8385-8392; I have found, along with other early intervention groups, that the key to teaching success is that the teachers are not trying to teach you like children, but rather to teach you effectively.⃇ And we need to do quite a bit more work to help our teachers and young adults to make those assessments.₂ and yet they do seem to have a really high level of trust within their children and I think what can be helpful is that if we try to

In the 1970s, projects led by linguists and educationalists such as Wilkinson [1965,] Vygotsky [1978,] and Bruner and Bruner [1986,] recognised the importance of oracy in the primary classroom. It was not until The National Oracy Project; [1987-1993,] that the National Curriculum finally advocated the need for speaking and listening to be an essential part of the National Curriculum for English. Corden [2000, p1.] It represented a third of English in the National curriculum alongside reading and writing. However, in 1998 the National Literacy Strategy Framework [NLSF,] was implemented as a statutory requirement in England and as optional material in Wales. The framework focused

on reading and writing, therefore, speaking and listening got overlooked by many schools. It was in 2003 through the Speaking, Listening and Learning [QCA/DfES,] materials that speaking and listening regained its status. It is widely used in schools, the materials actively promote talk at all stages of the writing process. Grugeon et al [2005, p87.] Alexander notes that his perspective on dialogic teaching, with the key aim to benefit teachers and learners through childrens deeper engagement with learning contexts, as cited by Grugeon [2005, p9,] is prominent in the QCA/DfES publication. And now with the introduction of the Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics DfEE, [09/2006,] speaking and listening has confirmed its status highlighting talk as, the underlying key factor in the development of literacy as well as a central feature of any successful teaching and learning. DfEE, [2006, p17.] This shows speaking and listening have come full circle in the last decade and a half, with it now being at the forefront of language education.

I carried out research at a junior school on the outskirts of Cardiff with a population of approximately 300 pupils in ten classes from year three to six. The last inspection report was in February 2002 in which it states the school is a very good school with many very good featuresand the commitment of all staff to school improvement have resulted in significant progress since the last inspection. Estyn [2002, p1.] With regard to speaking, the last inspection report says pupils speak clearly and fluently. In whole class discussions and during group activities, they express opinions and explain aspects of their work in a number of subjects. Estyn [2002, p6.] This suggests a good standard of speaking throughout the school. However, it states, listening skills are satisfactory. Pupils generally listen to instructions and respond appropriately…however, in all classes…, a minority of pupils do not always listen attentively. Estyn [2002, p7.] In this report the first Key Issue for Action is noted to improve standards in pupils listening skills. Estyn, [2002, p33.]

The school has worked hard to improve their listening skills whilst not losing focus of speaking skills. Due to the new appointment of the language coordinator, the school did not have an up to date policy. However, they use material taken from Language Builders, Elks and Maclachlan [2006.] The material includes guidance on teaching good listening skills, helping children with listening and attention skills, developing social skills and telling and writing stories. This material includes assessment levels from 1-4 which are not related to the National Curriculum level descriptors and all teachers are expected to carry out formative and summative assessment. Within the school there are resources and advice is available for teaching children with listening and communication problems. Oracy is a key feature of the schools medium term planning and is planned for each term for every year group.

There is a strong school ethos which permeates throughout the school; the pupils are very polite to all members of the school including visitors, the staff is supportive of one another and all have high expectations of the pupils behaviour and promote pupil motivation. The school environment is well looked after, in the playground pupils have access to a variety of resources including football nets and a buddy bench, inside there are a mixture of displays, some celebrate pupils work, others are informative and interactive. Overall, the feel for the school is positive and caring.

One way used to promote speaking and listening at a whole-school level are whole class assemblies in which areas of PSE are addressed. The listening members of the school are always encouraged to ask questions and there is often an interactive element to each assembly involving the audience. This is one example of how schools can extend pupils opportunities for talking. Waters et al [1999, p81.]

On more than one occasion, I witnessed teachers talking informally with pupils in class and around the school, Grugeon [2005] states that the value of unplanned talk should not be underestimated…and should be valued as important to school life. [p89.] Talking informally can allow for unplanned learning. This school demonstrated to me how MACRO issues for speaking and listening can have a positive effect on individual pupils.

I observed lessons and playtimes of one of the year three classes. The atmosphere in the classroom was one of learning and respect for one another. The displays in the classroom were focused

on both learning and independent work. There was one display dedicated to group names and points, and a wheel with levels of noise; silent work, quiet voice, partner voice, group voice. Attention was brought to this at the beginning of each lesson after the input. As part of the group point system, the teacher gave out listening awards when children displayed good listening skills either through their behaviour or the questions and comments they made to the topic being spoken about. These awards were then added to their group points thus, increasing their motivation to obtain the awards.

In the sessions I observed the climate of talk was very positive, the

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School Climate And Listening Members Of The School. (October 13, 2021). Retrieved from