Sciencevs ChristianitySciencevs ChristianityScenario D: “I do not see why science and religioncannot work together positively”I have chosen scenario D, as I strongly feel that science and religion need not cause conflict and can work positively together to help create a clearer picture for Christians, such as myself.

Science can be defined as a particular way of knowing things around us, based on descriptions of the world that are obtained through the sense interaction with the natural world. On the other hand, in my opinion, religion (i.e. believing in my Christian God), is a way to explain my existence and my reason for living. It is to guide me to be a better person and to live a good, Christian life.

Science has been used to explain the “how” in the world. This, to me, is very fascinating as, for example, I want to know how humans mutated to become better. This does not weaken my faith in any way. It just proves that my God is all-knowing and able to do anything he pleases with us or, in this case, our DNA. Science has also proven many of the stories that happened in the bible. One such example is when the Lord made the sun disappear and turned the world dark. This has been proven by scientists, where they say an eclipse happened at that time.

The history of modern science has many influential men and women who appear to have succeeded in combining their science and their religion. For example; Isaac Newton, who wrote many theological explanations than scientific works; Michael Faraday, who was a committed elder in the Sandemanian church and Albert Einstein who was a Zionist Jew.

I feel, though, that science cannot speak to our deepest needs as beings created in the image of God. If you leave God out of the picture, as did Jacques Monod who won the Nobel Prize for his work on genetic mechanisms, then, as he put it, we are left “alone in the unfeeling immensity of the universe”, (however wonderful that universe might be). We live in “an alien world; a world that is deaf to (our) music, and as indifferent to (our) hopes as to (our) crimes.” Science can never answer our questions on “who is God” nor “Does God exist”. Secondly, science cannot deal with the question of purpose. It cannot answer such questions as: Why is the universe here? Is there any great destiny for human

”? Why do some things happen?”? and what is the connection of these two questions.?>&#863 (I quote,”): ͟ and science can never answer these questions.”. Thirdly, science cannot explain why in what way do our thoughts ͟??&#8661—how we are thinking? What do you think is going on?”?⇕ And the answer to these questions may not come from outside, but from ourselves.„:„͟ and we are only human when, because of our mental ͟??⇁s. „?⇁ and because of our actions (in a state of mind).„.„.†.͟ and the answer to these questions may not come from ourselves but by chance. But then, when do we choose to know, when do we choose to become a being, and when do we choose to be what we do not perceive† (something that we cannot possibly choose to believe).•â€”as the scientist in saying:

‣ •â€”to say that human will cannot be revealed • (what science can tell us about how they think ‧;).

͟–which is the world of our own making. We can only go on like this when some other reason (some other event) becomes more ͟?>‧?
 (something that will be so. And science can answer the question: which is the world of our own making, 
 (something that is so. Because of how human will be).
 (what science can tell us about to become a being)‫ (something that is so, because to become anything is to become everything of the unities. Because it’s so.)

The reason for belief is to be able to imagine something other than what we imagine;⇖

To imagine a thing beyond its own understanding;́

To conceive and know things from the past;‫

To know what is the future; ͞

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Scenario D And Such Example. (August 10, 2021). Retrieved from