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Extra Credit Report Science
Essay title: Extra Credit Report Science
December 6, 2007
Two of Saturns smaller moons look almost like a UFO. The moons, which lie within the giant planets rings, may have come by their strange shape by gradually accumulating ring particles in a ridge around their equators. The two moons in question are called Pan and Atlas.

Here is a picture of what both the moons look like.
December 5th 2007
Large gas planet can get twice as close to there stars as Mercury is to the sun, without evaporation. Many stars have been record to get as close as 6% closer to there star then Mercury is to the sun.

Here is Mercury and the sun.
December 5th 2007
The blind, deep ocean-dwelling hagfish certainly lives up to its name. But its vestigial “eye” might explain how vertebrate vision evolved. Its eye has no lens, no pupil and only primitive photoreceptors. Trevor Lamb at the Australian National University in Canberra and colleagues have reassessed DNA evidence on the origin of vertebrates and concluded that the hagfish is in a sister, and not daughter, group to lampreys.

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Saturns Smaller Moons And Trevor Lamb. (July 4, 2021). Retrieved from