Commissions For 2nd Year Gcse Dance
Essay Preview: Commissions For 2nd Year Gcse Dance
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Comission Proposals- Myths and Legends
1st Proposal- Robin Hood
The commission
states the production is aimed at Year 6/ 7 students with the objective to educate and entertain. The theme of Robin Hood is an extremely famous legend that students aged between 10 and 12 will have at least heard about if not already studied. The famous theme from the legend Robin Hood was stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. This provides the educational side to the dance which will hopefully encourage the Year 6/7 students to consider if this is morally right. This will be presented in a battle between two dancers, one fighting for the good who are poor and one fighting as the rich who are evil. These moves will also provide the entertainment side to the dance.

The type of performance that would be most suitable is a duo using moves of contemporary
dance to demonstrate the battle between rich and poor. The idea of a duo is most relevant as it enables a simple dance of conflict to occur between two enemies. In this case, one dancer will respresent either side, the rich or the poor. This idea could also be included into the workshop. For example, if the class being tought is organised into parteners it could be up to either themselves or us, the leaders, who would dance to represent the rich and who would dance to represent the poor. We could then organise and demonstrate a system of moves to each category that contrasted each other. So whilst the rich are performing strong, dominant moves, the poor concentrate more on slower moves perhaps at a lower level.

2nd Proposal- Asterope and Electra (Sisters from Greek Mythology)
The commission
states the production is

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Robin Hood And Famous Legend. (June 14, 2021). Retrieved from