Home Marketing Strategy
This promotions strategy is designed to use a variety of media elements and mechanisms while articulately a single core message in order to build a clear, identifiable, relevant brand identity. It is premised on the following objectives and message:

Build brand awareness among both consumers and health care partners a. Create an interest in the unique experience Crescent Care offers
Distinguish the company from its competitors
Quality of life
Quality of care
Provide information to build credibility
Create reputation of community commitment and involvement
Create reputation for industry commitment and involvement
Build concept awareness
Distinguish residential care homes (micro communities) from other care solutions
“Like home because it is home” provides a nice shorthand articulating the primary reason one would choose residential care for an individual who needs 24 hour supervision. It distinguishes this health care solution for others, such as skilled nursing facilities. The fuller message is, however, more complex. Through its promotional activities, Crescent Care of Unknown City needs to let target consumers know (1) that the company exists, (2) that it offers an extraordinary living environment, and (3) that it offers high quality care via extraordinary caregivers.

Overview: This plan is designed to specifically address the above marketing objectives utilizing a variety of marketing tools and media. Specifically, it recommends the use of mass advertising, personal selling, public relations/sponsorship marketing, online marketing (website + social media), and direct mail.

Mass Advertising
Build brand awareness
Increased learning, increased traffic, lead generation
Mass advertising remains the primary means of developing brand awareness in a
marketplace. Fortunately, mass media has become increasingly niche-oriented,
making it possible to select media vehicles that narrowly target one’s intended
market. Mass advertising is generally conceptualized as

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Residential Care Homes And Use Of Mass Advertising. (June 26, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/residential-care-homes-and-use-of-mass-advertising-essay/