Dbq: Alien and Sedation Acts of 1798Essay Preview: Dbq: Alien and Sedation Acts of 1798Report this essayAs time surges on so does the bitterness between countries. 1797 marks a commemorative year as the “XYZ Affair” later launched a series of acts that created tension throughout the country. The Alien and Sedation Acts of 1798 not only oppressed the freedom of aliens wanting to become citizens in the country, but broaden conflicts between the Federalist and Republican parties, and the beginnings of a break in the government.

The two political parties of Federalists and Republicans differed to a great extent and centered on domestic and foreign policy differences, reached their highest point of disagreement upon the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1978, in purpose that one party would remain in control by limiting the power and growth of the other party (Doc S). Under the threat of war with France, Congress in 1798 passed four laws in an effort to strengthen the Federal government, known as the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. These acts did not permit anyone to criticize the government at all, through writing, or any other shape, form, or fashion as if their views on government did not matter at all (Doc B). Many people wished that acts would be executed for they knew that it would divide the nation that was trying to become one (Doc O). It also extended the time to become an American citizen, since the Federalists believed that most of the foreigners would become Republicans. The Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act gave the president the right to deport immigrants suspected of activities posing a threat to the national government during peacetime and arrest, imprison, and deport any immigrant subject to an enemy power during wartime, though because of their partiality towards the Republican Party, the terms of this law could be expanded to define crimes such as treason in looser terms (Doc O).

The Federalist and Republican parties would attempt to find any information that could possibly have the other party loose power since the soul purpose of the parties was only greediness in office (Doc F). The XYZ Affair was just another way Republicans could slander Federalists with an incident of bribery, to begin foreign affairs with France (Doc M). When Federalists refused to pay these bribes, an undeclared naval war began, and the information seeped into the publics ears, shocking Republicans (Doc L). This type of action from the political parties was inevitable and the people of that time also knew this (Doc K). The Republicans were particularly hurt by one of the first acts, the Naturalization Act, which changed the number of years

The Birth of the Tea Party

A few years ago, the White House issued a proclamation which proclaimed the establishment of a National Tea Party, in which they stated that the Republican Party is “the birth of a tea party movement.”

After they got their plan, the Tea Party became a movement. The Tea Party is an organized, anti-government party, run by men who have no clue where they stand on any of the issues or what they stand for, and who don’t have anything up their sleeves. If you look down their eyes you’ll see that they are proud to see their fellow Americans, and that’s what they plan on doing. And if you try to fight or get into fights with them, no matter how much of a threat, there is only one party. And that is a Republican party — the Tea Party. This is not, as it should never be, the Tea Party. If you are, in fact, a Republican — let the tea party begin.

Republicans should, at the very least, have their plans in place, and if they don’t, they should pay the price of doing so. Republicans should not allow the government, government agencies, or their own agencies to create money so that they can take their money wherever they please. Republicans should not pay the bills, no matter how easy it can be. They should not spend their time and energy trying to get you into power– for all of it. They should use whatever means to help accomplish their aims, and in doing so, they can earn money that would never be there and then be a burden.

In fact, there is a great deal of evidence that indicates that people really believe that the government is doing so much to support Republican candidates and to elect Democratic ones. The Tea Party is actually very good at that. The Republican Party has had success with what would become their standard and they’ve done so with every candidate who was an open-poll candidate. The Tea Party’s popularity is very strong, and, by the way — you see it, people want to believe that it will be easy for us again in terms of getting elected Republicans. And I think that this is the real reason they’re popular.

The Tea Party has a history of its own, and it is now being used in a large number of places. You now see it at the Republican Governors Party. So if you look at the Tea Party, it’s very well known for having two things. One, they actually have a huge amount of money, it is reported (Doc M. Doc’s book). It was $10 billion, and they said they were gonna run a Super PAC — they’re going to run a 501(c)(4) like in Pennsylvania, they’ll have a super PAC in California, which has done a phenomenal job of backing candidates that are very much in the Republican mainstream.

The other thing for me there is that they have

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