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Christianity and Islam
Islam and Christianity represent the largest religions practiced around the globe that share historical connections and significant theological differences. Christianity and Islam originated from the Middle East and are considered to be monotheistic. The Islamic faith rose in the 7th century following prophet Muhamad’s teachings. The term Islam means “surrendering to God’s will” (Gulevich). Therefore those who follow the faith are “submitters of God” usually referred to Muslims. Christianity and Islam are founded on the fundamental belief that there is one God with infinite power. In this instance, while they have significant differences in their religious practices, they worship the same God. As time changes since the inception of both sects, a lot of events have occurred, leading to controversy and questioning their validity (Watt). Christianity and Islam differ in various segments of their doctrines, such as the views on Jesus and Muhamad. In Christianity, Jesus is seen as God the Son, the Son of God, and the Messiah of the Hebrew word. Muslims believe that Jesus was just a prophet or a messenger of God and not a son of God. They think that the perception of Christians on Jesus is misplaced, while Christians view the Gospels of Muslims to be authoritative (Watt). People from both religions use different scriptures with Islam following the teachings in the Quran and Christianity using the Bible. Both Muslims and Christians believe that the lessons in their religious books represent the word of God and should be respected. Therefore while the Christians and Muslims have a lot in common, they follow different religious traditions. This paper will primarily focus on the difference between religious holidays practiced in the two faiths. In this case, while Christians have Christmas, Muslims have Eid AL-Fitr.

As a Christian, I view December 25 to be an important day set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with other people in society. The origin of choosing the date as the ideal day to celebrate the birth of Christ is unknown. In this instance, while I believe that December 25 is an essential day in the calendar, there is no evidence in the Bible proving that it’s the actual day Jesus was born. Sextus Julius Africanus selected the date in 221 before being accepted universally as Christmas day (Conybeare). The term Christmas is derived from the mass of Jesus, where people remember the death and resurrection of Christ. Various traditions attempt to explain how the date chosen as the birth date of Christ. For example, a Christian tradition notes that Mary received notification that showed she would conceive a special baby on March 25. Therefore, December 25 was arrived at by calculating nine months from March 25 (Connelly). However, while many theories have been brought up by various people in attempts to explain the choice of December 25, none provides conclusive evidence. I have participated in several Christmas parties with my family for many years. On holiday we decorate our home with Christmas trees and give each other presents to show love for each other. Other activities during the holiday include singing songs and going to parties. December 25 is a public holiday in most countries, including the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. The designation of the day as a public holiday ensures that business, education institutions, post offices, and government offices are closed to allow workers to celebrate. Therefore, while the accurate date of birth of Jesus Christ is unknown, most Christians accept December 25 as Christmas day.

Muslims also have their special holiday known as Eid Al-Fitr, which brings Muslims together around the world. Eid Al-Fitr is often translated to mean the “Festival of Breaking the Fast” (Heiligman and Neguin). The holiday is critical for Muslims globally to signal the end of fasting after Ramadhan. The religious festival represents the only period in the entire month where the Muslims are not compelled to fast. It is usually celebrated in the first three days Shawwal after a whole month of fasting and prayer. The holiday is marked with the inclusion of a special prayer offered in a large hall or open field. Some of my Muslim friends argue that they are required by God to fast until the end of Ramadhan and participate in Zakat al-Fitr before the Eid prayers. Therefore, Muslims see the holiday as an essential day in their Muslim faith. The holiday originated from Prophet Muhammad’s teachings in Medina (Heiligman and Neguin). The commencement of the holiday is determined by the first sighting of the crescent moon immediately after sunset. In cases where the moon fails to appear due to unavoidable reasons after the 29th day of the lunar month, the holiday occurs on the next day (Gulevich). The number of days for celebrating the holiday is different by country but range from one, two, and three days. According to the Muslim faith, it is wrong, and against the teachings of the scriptures to fast on Eid (Gulevich). Other events held on the day include donating money for the needy and vulnerable in society. In this case, people are required to exercise the values of Islam, such as being patient, showing empathy to the needy, steadfastness, and worshiping Allah. Therefore Eid Al-Fitr represents an important day for Muslims worldwide.

Christians and Muslims have special days on the calendar, where they hold important celebrations illustrated in the scriptures. While there are fundamental differences in Christianity and Islam, several similarities arise from the holidays. Firstly, people in both religions view the holidays as important days to dedicate their time to God. The government also recognizes the holidays and usually sets a public holiday to allow people to celebrate. In this instance, they forgo their routine activities and use their time spiritually. For example, they remember the disadvantaged and needy in society by involving them in the celebrations. In this case, they donate to the poor and less privileged members of the community. Besides, people in both religions hold prayers in thanking God for their lives. Christmas and Eid Al-Fitr brings families, friends, and relatives together in worshiping God. The holidays offer an opportunity for reflection on the way people live their lives and bring them closer to Allah. Some of the differences in the two religions are that while Christmas is fixed on December 25, Eid Al-Fitr is determined by the sighting of the moon. Besides, Eid Al-Fitr can be held in either one, two, or three days. Jesus is seen as a prophet in Islam, making them question the Christmas celebration. While they agree on the existence of Jesus, they disagree on whether he is the Son of God. However, while a lot of differences exist, both religions believe in one God and dedicate the two holidays to him.

Ultimately, Christians and Muslims have special days on the calendar where they hold important celebrations illustrated in the scriptures. Firstly, Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25 to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. The term Christmas is derived from the mass of Jesus, where people remember the death and resurrection of Christ (Conybeare). Various traditions attempt to explain how the date was chosen as the birth date of Christ. For example, a Christian tradition notes that Mary received notification that showed she would conceive a special baby on March 25 (Conybeare). Therefore, December 25 was arrived at by calculating nine months from March 25. Christians spend the day showing love and compassion to each other and remembering the needy. Next, Muslims also have their special holiday known as Eid Al-Fitr, which brings Muslims together around the world. Eid Al-Fitr is often translated to mean the “Festival of Breaking the Fast” (Heiligman and Neguin). The holiday is critical for Muslims globally to signal the end of fasting after Ramadhan. The religious festival represents the only period in the entire month where the Muslims are not compelled to fast. It is usually celebrated in the first three days Shawwal after a whole month of fasting and prayer. The holiday is marked with the inclusion of a special prayer offered in a large hall or open field (Gulevich). Events held on the day include donating money for the needy and vulnerable in society. In this case, people are required to exercise the values of Islam, such as being patient, showing empathy to the needy, steadfastness, and worshiping Allah.

Works cited
Connelly, Mark. Christmas: A History. IB Tauris, 2012.
Conybeare, Fred C. “The history of Christmas.” The American Journal of Theology 3.1 (1899): 1-21.
Gulevich, Tanya. Understanding Islam and Muslim traditions: an introduction to the religious practices, celebrations, festivals, observances, beliefs, folklore, customs, and calendar system of the world’s Muslim communities, including an overview of Islamic history and geography. Omnigraphics Incorporated, 2004.

Heiligman, Deborah, and Neguin Yavari. Celebrate Ramadan & Eid Al-Fitr. National Geographic Books, 2006.
Watt, William Montgomery. Islam and Christianity today: a Contribution to Dialogue. Routledge, 2013.

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Religious Holidays And Perception Of Christians. (June 1, 2020). Retrieved from