Kubla Khan or a Vision in a DreamKubla Khan or a Vision in a DreamKUBLA KHAN or A VISION IN A DREAMSAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE – 1797/1798This visionary poem is one of the most famous poems of the Romantic Period. A manuscript copy of COLERIDGES “fragmentary vision” is a permanent exhibit at the British Museum (London).

The poem contrasts a man-made, earthly paradise, which proves unable to resist demonic forces and is doomed to be annihilated, with a “true” form of Paradise.

This theme is connected with the themes of the “commanding genius” and the “absolute genius”[BEER, p. 165; see BIBLIOGRAPHY] Kubla aspires to break eternal rules by decreeing heaven on earth, whereas the reign of the dominating figure of the last part of the poem is a legitimate and lasting one and remains unchallenged by dark powers.

“How far drugs contributed to the calling up of dreamlike and nightmarish atmospheres” [BLAMIRES, p. 281] is a question frequently raised in connection with this poetic vision (cf modern “psychedelic art”).

I hope the detailed analysis given below will appeal to lovers of esoteric literature and music, and will be of academic use for students & teachers of English, music and arts. Teachers may use this and my other material as a basis for interdisciplinary project work. When quoting from this page please make reference to it

Hans Juergen Matthias Schroeder, Duelmen, Germany, 2003-2004> DETAILEDANALYSIS[below]see also> A MULTI-MEDIAVOYAGEalong thelines of theoriginal poem[extra page]> BACKGROUNDfacts and tales[start page]> BIOGRAPHYS.T. Coleridge1772-1834[start page]> BIBLIOGRAPHY[below]PART 1 comprisesa detailed analysis ofthemes, motifs & wordswithin a paraphraseof the original text> PART 2below includes:contrastrepetitioncapitalisationpunctuationsyntaxconfigurationmetresoundatmospherepoint of viewtransferPART 1: THEMES, WORDS, MEANINGorganisational structure / division of the poemSECTION I paradise decreed(1-5) an introduction – the ruler, the place, the decree(6-11) fulfilment of the decreeSECTION II “the demonic re-asserts itself” [BEER, p. 165](12-16) spot of mystery – the woman and the demons rendezvous(17-24) eruption and


Lorenzo Meyer – Lecture, Lecture Archive, and Talk Archive (the last two)<\/a>

Lorenzo Meyer – Lecture Archive, Lecture Archive, and Talk Archive (the last two)<\/a>

Lorenzo Meyer – Lecture Archive, Lecture Archive, and Talk Archive (the last two)<\/a>

Frank Waldmann (1901-1987)[end page]

I found two booksDrugs-Ludwig-Berg, Drug Abuse and the Society of American Pharmacists“, url = “http://www.tucsonhoughton.edu/pages/c/Criminality/

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