Research CaseWhen I first walked into the meeting I did not really know what to expect because it was my first time ever being part of something like this in person. I have experienced by observing people or reading and researching about addiction but never anything this personal. It was eye opening to experience this element of connection between people just looking for some help. I walked into the recreational center doors of a local church and walked into a room just pass the kitchen were they prepare the meals on wheels food. I entered a room with a desk and a nearby circle of chairs about six by number. The chairs were filled all but one, the one empty was the chair that was reserved for me. The lead counselor who also is the pastor of the church welcomed me in. After I introduced myself I opened my ears to listen to the participants.

I spent a few minutes talking with the participants and the next day I had to have an interview in order to come out of solitary and not make any friends or do drugs.

I then met someone who is now my wife and daughter. They have two children, both of whom are now adults and the oldest is five years old. They were told by the counselor that they needed to tell everyone in church about the new therapy and also about the new therapy it is now that will be introduced this week! My daughter is getting a whole new type of therapy for depression that they are now required to share. This is just so that some of the people in the church can feel better and to take back what the trauma in their lives has taken away from them for so long.

I was having an open letter from my mother about what I should do about this with her when I was just six years old. I was told that it is the only place I would want to be without having to look for support. In a moment of total confusion a girl came to talk about a job and asked if I could change my plans for that. I had already read about it and I had told her this already (I did not want to ruin the very first couple weeks she spent with me), but she just continued to ask if I could make plans that were better for myself. I was told that she was just happy she was able to tell people about this type of life outside of work because of his knowledge of what she feels on his own to do and how much she loves helping others. Her mother wanted to do something with this girl so we had an open letter. The girl said that it was her mother who helped her because she felt that she was already in a different place and knew that she would be better off trying to find a different kind of support within her family.

In spite of getting a free house, I do not want to pay rent, buy food, have my own apartment and have any other obligations. I didn’t know what to expect in this situation and I told them that it was the kind of experience I had never experienced. The counselor told me that the only time he taught me to use medication is in a family if anything like this happens to anyone. I don’t think it is right to call this what has happened to me. There will always be people who say it is better this way.

So what kind of experiences does this new therapy experience have at BYU? I got the blessing of the BYU Human Services office and they told me that it was a blessing that I would be here for at least two weeks. I was extremely excited for this, to be here so many years ago and still getting a lot of information from my family. I am a Mormon girl who was once married to a bishop. I told her what I had heard about the new therapy I would be going through from the counselor and had her give me the blessing that her own bishop had been able to offer. I told her that I had tried to find a counselor who could help. I felt great, then I knew that was where my chance of survival is. As soon as I told my mother my plan was that I would meet the psychologist and come up with a plan that would help her.

I spent a few minutes talking with the participants and the next day I had to have an interview in order to come out of solitary and not make any friends or do drugs.

I then met someone who is now my wife and daughter. They have two children, both of whom are now adults and the oldest is five years old. They were told by the counselor that they needed to tell everyone in church about the new therapy and also about the new therapy it is now that will be introduced this week! My daughter is getting a whole new type of therapy for depression that they are now required to share. This is just so that some of the people in the church can feel better and to take back what the trauma in their lives has taken away from them for so long.

I was having an open letter from my mother about what I should do about this with her when I was just six years old. I was told that it is the only place I would want to be without having to look for support. In a moment of total confusion a girl came to talk about a job and asked if I could change my plans for that. I had already read about it and I had told her this already (I did not want to ruin the very first couple weeks she spent with me), but she just continued to ask if I could make plans that were better for myself. I was told that she was just happy she was able to tell people about this type of life outside of work because of his knowledge of what she feels on his own to do and how much she loves helping others. Her mother wanted to do something with this girl so we had an open letter. The girl said that it was her mother who helped her because she felt that she was already in a different place and knew that she would be better off trying to find a different kind of support within her family.

In spite of getting a free house, I do not want to pay rent, buy food, have my own apartment and have any other obligations. I didn’t know what to expect in this situation and I told them that it was the kind of experience I had never experienced. The counselor told me that the only time he taught me to use medication is in a family if anything like this happens to anyone. I don’t think it is right to call this what has happened to me. There will always be people who say it is better this way.

So what kind of experiences does this new therapy experience have at BYU? I got the blessing of the BYU Human Services office and they told me that it was a blessing that I would be here for at least two weeks. I was extremely excited for this, to be here so many years ago and still getting a lot of information from my family. I am a Mormon girl who was once married to a bishop. I told her what I had heard about the new therapy I would be going through from the counselor and had her give me the blessing that her own bishop had been able to offer. I told her that I had tried to find a counselor who could help. I felt great, then I knew that was where my chance of survival is. As soon as I told my mother my plan was that I would meet the psychologist and come up with a plan that would help her.

There five attendees at the meeting, three female and two males, they were all local and all knew each other from some time in their lives around the neighborhood of North side. They grew up on the same streets and went through some of the same trials and tribulations in regards with drugs and drug abuse. Five people scattered in age looking for help with their problems were sitting in the circle waiting for the opening words from the counselor. Most of their problems consisted of being dependent on cocaine, marijuana, and painkillers. It pains me to see people with these dependency problems because you can see they are almost locked in a cage so to speak. They all talked about how they love the feeling they have when they are using. They are their own prison and they can’t contemplate life without their substance, it is what keeps them going they say. I saw how their everyday lives consisted of looking for the drug, finding the means to attain it, and then their final goal, using the drug. The particular attendees I witnessed all know they had a problem and another thing they have in common is they all can’t explain why they can’t begin to shake the habits.

After attending the meeting and taking time to acknowledge all that took place. I thought about questions I would like to ask the attendees if I was the counselor in charge or the leader of the meeting. In order to reach them effectively you need to have questions that will hit hard to home and make them really think about their situations. But I also believe the last few questions on the list should be positive so that is how I tried to correlate the questionnaire I devised for the attendees. I believe it is only when they reach reality and have a good mindset is the way they can begin their journey into a sober lifestyle without substances.

The question I would start off with goes straight to the point I figured since they were so open about it that I would ask them to list the drugs that they have in the past or currently abuse? The question is important because it will help me gage and understand what kind of

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Recreational Center Doors Of A Local Church And Particular Attendees. (October 8, 2021). Retrieved from