The Stranger
Essay Preview: The Stranger
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In The Stranger, Albert Camus explores the absurdity of life through the actions and reactions of Meursault, the narrator of the story.
One of Meursaults thoughts is being expressed following the death of his mother. “Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I dont know. I got a telegram from the home: Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours. That doesnt mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday.” (Camus 3).

Meursaults main concern appears to be on the precise day of his mothers death. He shows little concern over the loss of his mother. Camus use of the phrase, “That doesnt mean anything,” can be interpreted in two ways; Meursault could be simply stating that the telegram does not tell the date of his mothers death, or he could be saying that it does not matter that his mother died at all.

Later at Mamans funeral, Meursault shows greater indifference toward his mothers death. He arrives at the mortuary to find out that his mothers body has already been sealed in the coffin. The caretaker kindly offers to open the casket for him, upon which Meursault decidedly declines. At the funeral the next day, he pays little attention to the funeral, taking particular interest in the nature surrounding him. He feels no grief or sadness, though he finds the heat unbearable. (Camus 5-18).

Meursaults action of him turning down his bosss offer of a position in Paris acknowledges his definite beliefs about his life. “I said that people never change their lives, that in any case one life was as good as another and that I wasnt dissatisfied with mine here at all.” (Camus 41).

Meursault illustrates his beliefs in certain firmness to the existence of human beings, maintaining that ones life remains constant though some of the details may change. He also implies that each persons life is equal to everyone elses, and that he would not be living a “better” life in Paris.

Camus demonstrates more of Meursaults absurd actions through his relationship with Marie, which has been well put together after the two spend the night together. This relationship does not mean much to Meursault though, given his response when Marie asks him if he loves her. “A minute later she asked me if I loved her. I told her that it didnt mean anything but that I didnt think so.” (Camus 35). Meursault answers Maries question completely and honestly. He does not try to be tactful or give support to the expectations of his society. He then agrees to marry her if she insists, reflecting his ignorance of emotion. Marie and Meursault differ from each other greatly in personality, and their only similarity is being a common “delight” in physical contact.

Meursaults relationship with his neighbor, Raymond, is one of poor judgment. Over dinner one night, Raymond tells Meursault stories of how he beat his mistress for cheating on him. He asks Meursault to write a letter to lure his mistress back in order to further torment her. Meursault agrees with him, mainly because he has the time and ability to do such action. He does not make the distinction or the difference between good and bad in his own mind. Raymond uses Meursault not once but twice over the course of a short period of time, when he convinces him to testify on his behalf after he is arrested for beating his mistress. (Camus 28-37).

Meursaults apathy peaks when he, Marie, and Raymond visit Masson, a friend of Raymond, at his beach house. Masson, Meursault, and Raymond run into two Arabs on the beach, one of which is the brother of Raymonds mistress. A fight soon breaks out and Raymond is stabbed. After tending to the wound, Raymond and Meursault return to the beach. They, eventually, find the Arabs at the spring, where Meursault talks some sense to Raymond of not shooting them. He takes Raymonds gun and slips it into his pocket. (Camus 47-59). This gun symbolizes the responsibility of Meursaults downfall on Raymonds part. Raymond gives Meursault the gun, “passing” the responsibility of deciding whether to

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Reactions Of Meursault And Meursaults Thoughts. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from