Title Case
Create a hierarchy of the model in 1961 by Robert J. Lavidge and Gary Steiner effect. It helps to clarify the objectives of an advertising campaign.This mode of marketing communications, the proposed six steps to view product advertisements (ads) to purchase products. Advertising is to encourage customers to buy products through six steps. The six steps:

Awareness: Customer becomes aware of the product through advertising. This is a challenging step, there is no guarantee that customers will see the ad, they realized that that brand. Customers every day to see a lot of advertising, but will only remember a small part of a brand product.

Knowledge: Customer began, for example, knowledge gained through the Internet, retail consultants and packaging products. This step has become increasingly important in todays digital world; because consumers want the gathered knowledge in the product, simply click on a button. Consumers will quickly turn to a competitors brand, if they do not get what they want. Ads work to ensure that product information is readily available.

Liking: as the title, this step is to ensure that customers like your product function as an advertiser, which can contribute to encouraging customers like your product?

Preference: consumers may like more than one brand, and may end up buying any of them. At this stage, the advertisers will want to disconnect from a competitors product, and focus on their specific product consumption. The ads will highlight its brand and its unique selling point, so that consumers can distinguish it from competitors brand.

Conviction: this stage is to create the customers desire to buy the product. Advertisers can encourage consumers to test or sample products of belief. An example of this is to invite consumers to test drive a car or to provide consumers with free food samples. This will enable consumers to buy will be a safe.

Purchase: by the stage,

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Product Advertisements And Challenging Step. (June 20, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/product-advertisements-and-challenging-step-essay/