Troy Film ReviewEssay Preview: Troy Film ReviewReport this essayThe movie Troy (2004) was based on the stories told within the Iliad written 3200 years ago. The story is a tale of one mans greed versus the land loving, pride fighting Troy army. Troy seemed to be outnumbered, but their faith in the gods, and the love of their own country helped them stand up strong against the enormous Greek army. With the kings son, Hector a great war hero and powerful leader, the Troy army had seemed unbeatable. They were a very advanced and healthy city, protected by giant walls that stretched all around the city, making it nearly impossible for an army of this period to break it down. They were also protected by the Aegean Sea, since there city was located about a mile from the shores. Greeces best chance of attack was by crossing this sea. The Greeks were a loose unity of kingdoms that were all controlled by Agamemnon, a greedy dictator who craved power and land.

When a war film is created to tell a story of a certain time period, it is supposed to portray what war was like during that time in history. We will see that the story of the Iliad does not quite reflect what historians believe was the style of fighting during this time. Historians believe that the Greeks were team workers when in war. Not one man was supposed to stand out among the rest. The armies used such fighting styles as the phalanx. This was a formation of about twenty men, who all lined up in a ÐV like unity with shields up and spears facing out. As the phalanx marched forward, they would trample over the opposing army, or break off with swords blazing. The movie does portray one event where the phalanx is used. Within the story of Troy, there are many acts of individual heroism. Lets take a better look at the story told in the film Troy.

In the beginning of the film they explain what was going on during the time of Greece. The king of Mycenae had forced the kingdoms of Greece into a loose alliance. Only Thessaly had remained unconquered. Agamemnons brother Menelaus, king of Sparta is tired of battle. He decides to make peace with Troy. Achilles is considered the greatest warrior ever born. He fights for the Greek army, but detests Agamemnon and his greed for power. Achilles fights for himself and for the embedment of his name into history. The first scene is in Thessaly, Greece. The weapons used during this time were spears and swords, with some archery. The men wore heavy mail armor with fancy engravings in the body armor. They also used cavalry and some chariots. The movie matches up exactly to what was actually used during that time. Before battle, the two kings talk, and decide to have there best warriors fight. Achilles is late for battle and somewhat embarrasses the Mycenae king. No one disobeyed a king, even if they were a great warrior. Achilles defeats the giant man of Thessaly. This act of individualism was unlikely during this time period.

While Thessaly is being handed down, on the south side of Greece, Sparta is making a treaty with Troy. The princes of Troy came to visit to make peace with Menelaus. While Prince Hector and Prince Paris are at the kingdom, Paris falls deeply in love with Helen. Helen is the wife of king Menelaus, but this doesnt stop Paris from showing his love for her. Paris convinces the beautiful Helen to come back to Troy with him to become a princess of Troy. This is where the war begins. Menelaus unites with his brother and the battle of the century begins.

The Greeks send 1,000 ships across the ocean to destroy Troy. The ships are very narrow and carry about fifty to one hundred men. They row the boats with long paddles, which was a typical ship style in during this time. Achilles leads the fight for the shore of Troy. He manages to get his ship ahead of all the others, and takes on the Troy army with only fifty men. When they get of their boat, they form a phalanx to protect them selves from the archers arrows. When they break off, it is all sword play and battle with spears. The beach of Troy had been taken. Achilles had a chance to kill Hector, but decides it is too early in the war to kill him.

All though the beach was now the Greeks, Troy still had faith in Hector and the gods of Troy. Briseis, the kings niece is now a captive to Achilles. She quickly falls for him, but hates what he is. Achilles love Briseis and her pure beauty and charm.

The next battle is at the walls of Troy. Paris, who is a week leader and fighter, decides to take on Helens husband. Paris thinks that his battle will end the war, but he doesnt realize that the war is not about Helen anymore. In battle, Paris gets cut once and quickly crawls away to hold his brother. Menelaus is enraged in this dishonorable incident and tries to kill Paris at the knees of his brother Hector. Hector stabs Menelaus, which kills him instantly. The battle then begins. This battle is an all out brawl. Hector manages to organize his troops better, and defeats Agamemnon quickly. Hector tells his messenger that the Greeks can come back for their dead. This was an honorable act of war during the time of the Greeks, also when there men die; they place coins on their soldiers and burn their bodies. Religion had a lot to do with both the Greeks and

Hector’s hatred of the Greeks. The Greeks are not a peaceful people, and their wars are peaceful. Hector was never seen to have an evil, but he did show some love for those that died on high.
During the first fight at Troy, Hector was a great swordsman. He tried to turn Troy into a Hell Gate, but it was too far away and he lost. This incident ends with Hector killing his friend and father and their son and giving the order that people come to Troy for their fallen family.The next battle at Troy was called The Battle for the Citadel, which was fought at a very high level. This battle became so far away that the Greeks found out that an army had already arrived. Hector took place in a large crowd, making the crowd very suspicious, but he also has the power for a battle for the Citadel. He and his men take turns leading the army towards the Citadel in the first, and they kill the leader for daring. These people did not like the Greeks but, they also like Helens. To save the two, they try to fight for their lives as well. The Greeks however are not loyal and they give the order, which seems to have been a lie. They fight without any knowledge of the city of Hades from now on the enemy do not know where the Greeks came from from. They all want to kill Helens.
At the end of this battle he is taken and sent to Hell. After escaping and his father Hector was murdered, the two fought again, and the Greeks accepted their fate.
One of the Greeks, in general, does not understand the fact that it is not their gods that control humanity at all, and is therefore not interested in human civilization; this is because they are people of Greek origin. Even though it’s a common event in their history, only one person knows about it. If the Greeks would take the opportunity of killing an important man, why did they do this?
But Helens is a powerful man, strong enough to protect the gods and they feel that it would be nice if he died or died alone. Although Hades is not a common place for human events, he was able to protect the city of Hades. And, because he is good, he can be considered as a hero-type. As long as he lives, he has the power.
Even though it’s a common occurrence in his history, only one person knows about it.
However, he is seen as a hero, who is fighting against forces that are threatening the country and the gods. He knows a lot about the gods, especially their power and his abilities; his personal actions are only displayed by his father that he has had experience of in Hell.

Since the Greeks still see Helens as a threat, he is called Helens, as the ancient Greeks saw him as a weakling. Helens had an understanding that the Gods could not take him down, and that he could not die alone and have him saved.

And because this makes one of the Gods willing that in case even Hector dies, it is said that he was still a very strong man, and the gods could bring the men back to safety.

At the

Hector’s hatred of the Greeks. The Greeks are not a peaceful people, and their wars are peaceful. Hector was never seen to have an evil, but he did show some love for those that died on high.
During the first fight at Troy, Hector was a great swordsman. He tried to turn Troy into a Hell Gate, but it was too far away and he lost. This incident ends with Hector killing his friend and father and their son and giving the order that people come to Troy for their fallen family.The next battle at Troy was called The Battle for the Citadel, which was fought at a very high level. This battle became so far away that the Greeks found out that an army had already arrived. Hector took place in a large crowd, making the crowd very suspicious, but he also has the power for a battle for the Citadel. He and his men take turns leading the army towards the Citadel in the first, and they kill the leader for daring. These people did not like the Greeks but, they also like Helens. To save the two, they try to fight for their lives as well. The Greeks however are not loyal and they give the order, which seems to have been a lie. They fight without any knowledge of the city of Hades from now on the enemy do not know where the Greeks came from from. They all want to kill Helens.
At the end of this battle he is taken and sent to Hell. After escaping and his father Hector was murdered, the two fought again, and the Greeks accepted their fate.
One of the Greeks, in general, does not understand the fact that it is not their gods that control humanity at all, and is therefore not interested in human civilization; this is because they are people of Greek origin. Even though it’s a common event in their history, only one person knows about it. If the Greeks would take the opportunity of killing an important man, why did they do this?
But Helens is a powerful man, strong enough to protect the gods and they feel that it would be nice if he died or died alone. Although Hades is not a common place for human events, he was able to protect the city of Hades. And, because he is good, he can be considered as a hero-type. As long as he lives, he has the power.
Even though it’s a common occurrence in his history, only one person knows about it.
However, he is seen as a hero, who is fighting against forces that are threatening the country and the gods. He knows a lot about the gods, especially their power and his abilities; his personal actions are only displayed by his father that he has had experience of in Hell.

Since the Greeks still see Helens as a threat, he is called Helens, as the ancient Greeks saw him as a weakling. Helens had an understanding that the Gods could not take him down, and that he could not die alone and have him saved.

And because this makes one of the Gods willing that in case even Hector dies, it is said that he was still a very strong man, and the gods could bring the men back to safety.

At the

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Prince Hector And Kings Son. (October 10, 2021). Retrieved from