Crusades Case
Year 8 Medieval Times Term 2 Essay 2014
Due Date:
Monday II.VI.MMXIV, Week VI
Choose ONE of the essay topics given
Use your research to complete an exposition on the topic given. You will be required to provide a conclusion outlining your opinion. You will also need to

provide backup evidence, including primary sources, throughout the essay to support your opinion.
We will be working on this essay in class, but you are expected to do further research in your own time.
Word limit:
500 to 800 words
Assessment: You will be assessed on:
Depth of research inquiry
Essay construction including paragraph formation and introduction
Relevance, depth and quality of supporting evidence
: different points of view
Concluding argument with position statement
Sequencing: understanding of cause and effect
Written expression, grammar and sentence structure
Correct use of referencing (as outlined below).
All sources need to be acknowledged and your bibliography must be submitted along with your notes/scaffolds.
Author, Date, Title, Publisher, city of publication
Creator/s, Date created, Title, [on-line], URL address, date accessed
Some historians view the Crusades as a major turning point in history. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide evidence to support your case.

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Primary Sources And Backup Evidence. (June 30, 2021). Retrieved from