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Racism in the World
Essay title: Racism in the World
The argument put forth is one from a very idealistic point of view, to create a world where race is insignificant and would allow “full freedom, equality, and justice.” But to do this it is said that it is necessary (“the only way” to be exact) to eradicate racism. To eradicate racism is an inquisition of extremely large stature, but I do not believe it is possible. This is only an underlying aspect of the larger request for “full freedom” though, which race plays, what I believe to be, a mandatory role in the hearts of those consumed by a passion. Is race prohibiting us the freedom, the equality, or the justice that is so explicitly stated in our founding documents of our nation? I believe not, for it is choice that allows this to take place. Choice, which is made by both the racist and the recipient of racism, the choice to play the roles previously mapped out by others previously in their positions. This choice, as stated by Shelby Steele, is a choice to remain in a position of power; or this choice, as stated by Satre, is the choice to hate another for a reason being completely unrelated to the veil race provides over an individuals actually identity. In quest for power, very little is just and once power is attained justice is difficultly and clumsily wielded by the governing entity. To better understand how racism barricades our society from this ideal nation I believe it is best to discuss the preceding terms (freedom, equality, and justice) to help grasp what is meant and expected when they are stated.

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Position Of Power And Full Freedom. (June 11, 2021). Retrieved from