Playtex Campaign Takes Advertising to New Low
Essay Preview: Playtex Campaign Takes Advertising to New Low
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Early this year, Playtex released their Fresh+ Sexy Wipes Campaign which has stirred a lot of media attention. John Landsberg of Bottom Line Communications wrote “Playtex Campaign Takes Advertising to New Low” which describes the inappropriateness of this campaign as it offensively and ineptly encourages extra cleanliness where it is not needed. It suggests that active individuals should be insecure about their sexual parts and should use the wipes as a confidence booster. Landsberg quotes Elaine McCormick, the Creative Director of the ad agency who designed the campaign saying “We wanted to be fun and playful and bold all at the same time.” I think they have succeeded at all these aspects but failed to do it in an agreeable manner.

Playtexs Fresh + Sexy campaign targets men and women in the 20s who are sexually active but need more confidence in their cleanliness. The campaign is sending the message that a cleaner individual is more likely to engage in sexual behavior than those who are not clean.

So how can one become clean? By using a Playtex Fresh + Sexy wipe, of course! Identical to a baby wipe, Playtex wipes can be used before and after sex to ensure cleanliness which equates to confidence. Playtex ads play on innuendos which society is becoming more accepting of. Sexual hygiene products are most commonly targeted toward women such as Summers Eve. However Playtex Fresh+ Sexy Wipes focuses on both genders, which is a plus. Now for the minus: Who says people are dirty? This campaign tries to tug at confidence levels and intends on creating a need for these wipes. This may come off offensively to a lot of viewers; however, I believe its more than just offensive, its unnecessary. If people are going to have sex, they will. They wont stop and think “am I clean?” The man will not care. The woman will not care. It never stopped them before. Showers are also really common nowadays, so that might just do the trick.

And if the sex is unplanned, its unlikely the individual will stop their partner and say “give me a moment so I can tidy myself with my brilliantly creative Fresh + Sexy Wipes.” They will not have time to get up and go to the bathroom to use one. However, people buy into many products that are not necessarily needed so if marketed correctly, it may sell.

Playtex Fresh + Sexy Wipes intended usage is for spontaneous sexual encounters. Therefore, it should be advertised in high population cities where clubs and bars are abundant and there is a huge nightlife. This lifestyle is often associated with higher amounts of sex.

Geographically, it should advertise in cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Austin, Chicago and Miami. According to US News, these are some of the cities with the “best nightlife scene”higher “need” to be clean at random times.

I think this campaign should choose outlets that are geared towards men because

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Playtex Campaign Takes And John Landsberg Of Bottom Line Communications. (April 18, 2021). Retrieved from