Pediatric Ed at LynchburgEssay Preview: Pediatric Ed at LynchburgReport this essayCASE ANALYSIS of _Pediatric ED at Lynchburg    (1 PAGE MAXIMUM)Student Name:__Brad SchwartzDate: _10/26/15ClaimDefense of Claim (WHY)Key Issues (diagnosis)1. Will the existing nursing/clinical staff be able to accomplish the potential increased volume of work?By not increasing the number of nurses and clinical staff, LGH risks not having enough staff to deal with increase patient volume and overworking their employees. 2. If the new Ped-ED is marketed to the community, will it negatively impact community relations?LGH is a community hospital and by opening up a Ped-ED, they will ultimately become competitors to the smaller urgent care clinics. They need to make sure to maintain a balanced relationship with their community.3. Predicting the potential demand for the new Ped-ED is difficult and unattainable. Not being able to predict future patient volume will cause problems for workflow and staffing models. DM’s goal(s)1. Create an efficient and productive workflow for the Ped-ED while maintaining current FTEs and building space. LGH’s goal is to create a Ped-ED but utilize the current resources and limit expenditures. 2. Renovate a portion of the LGH-ED in order to create a Ped-ED that can provide responsive, specialized care for children. LGH wants to carve out a section of the current ED in order care for children while making it a fun, interactive, and safe environment away from the rest of the ED.DM’s options/ alternatives1. Build the Ped-ED and market throughout the community.Building the Ped-ED will give LGH a competitive edge against their competitors.2. Do not create a Ped-ED and continue to improve workflow on the current LGH-ED.Continue to cut costs elsewhere and improve efficiencies in current ED in order to stay competitive.DM should (recommendations)1. Redesign the whole floor plan of the ED in order to incorporate the Ped-ED. The redesign will improve workflow and lean out inefficiencies such as lengthy walks for the staff to service patients.2. Create incentives for current nurses to take the necessary pediatric training classes.More nurses will take the training courses and willing to learn more. Better trained staff means increase in efficiency and LGH would not have to hire more FTEs.

LGH was hired to help reduce G.I. Bill, because of the many staff shortages the VA has encountered. They know the problems in their own community and they need to make sure they are successful in addressing G.I. Bill and the community around them. They will be hard pressed not to do so. The VA will be able to work with their community to make sure they can offer the best patient education available in their community, not just their own. To help, we want to raise a portion of the funding to pay for the ED through a combination of debt reduction programs, administrative and professional staff salaries, the use of their public resources for patient care, and community support programs to increase the size of their operation and help fill its gaps.3. Establish cost-effective community coordination. As the ED and health care workforce is divided into 4 distinct groups, a single group will deliver more for its shareholders. It will not be a one-size-fits-all, one-size-fits-all approach, but it can provide additional value for LGH.4. Leverage local community resources to expand access to care and reduce costs. LGH will invest in the new Ped-ED and will be able to continue providing excellent care for their community. 5. Ensure care is funded by state funding. Given the limited funds available from many states, it is possible that LGH, as an entity, will not meet all state needs. In most states, the ED operates out of their ER and serves a different group (children, older children). Therefore, many community health care facilities like the HSU, the VA, and MCDC (in general) will not participate in any ED operations in the state. However, these states will ensure LGH is available for this type of ED at the facility as well as the community. In such case, LGH will assist other community health care settings get its funding. We hope this will be a good demonstration and will help further improve the ED in other locations. In a similar fashion, LGH will build a Ped-ED at an organization which will promote community collaboration between community providers using the community’s services. These communities can use the organization’s resources to make a community ED the best in its field, rather than just be a local hospital. LGH will also provide additional care for young children and

5. Create affordable, non-profit, community-based and locally-based health care providers. LGH serves as the primary care provider in our state. This means that all of our staff and patients will receive the most affordable, locally-based care possible. We work with a number of nonprofit organizations to ensure that this quality and cost-effective care is provided to their members and community members; and we hope these organizations will continue to be at the forefront of helping local communities. In addition to helping the ED improve their lives, they will also improve our country’s infrastructure for health care, improving the quality of lives that the public and our society will receive at some point in their lives. As more and more community organizations use our community funds to expand their own community health and wellness program, we hope to provide this program a significant increase at a rate so that its members have a higher chance of fulfilling their health care responsibilities. 5. Support a “GitHub” like format where the communities and organizations can work together so as the community can get information about and share resources. 5. Support community service organizations in growing their communities and community members and improving their health care providers. To do this, LGH is creating a “GitHub,” such that each home and community will contribute resources that all serve and share together. Each of these organizations has created a public information page on their website providing such a service to other home and community homes. Since the system is very user-friendly and straightforward, the community serves as an open-ended destination for their information. LGH will create a “GitHub” to enable the community and their resources to share the same information and services that all organizations can share together and provide a one-stop place for all other organizations to share. This project is just the beginning. 6. Enhance your community. One of the things we have proposed for our ED is to create a “Community Service Market” where communities can make a real “commitment” to each other. Members of our ED have the most choice of health coverage and access to the services they need and our community partners are willing to take advantage of those choices. Community outreach is one of the most critical tools in our nation’s health care system, and as community members we are constantly watching the progress of our community-run programs. This is why we see potential in creating an efficient and efficient health care marketplace. 7. Increase community involvement. We believe that the best way to make a positive difference is

A healthy, healthy community is one that actively serves, educates, and cares; that is, cares on issues that affect everyday life. These issues can range from improving the public health of our children & families, to reducing and eliminating homelessness; to improving and ensuring the well-being of all people in our state & city of Phoenix. To do this, we need to increase local influence within and outside communities, improving community support, better understanding and improving the health and care of our members, and encouraging greater understanding, greater acceptance and action among the community. 8. Improve access to quality health care. Health insurance plans in our state, including state-owned and state-run state hospitals, can provide very good access to quality, affordable, health care. However, if you cannot afford to pay to cover your own medical costs, you may not be able to make use of some of the local resources in the state you are visiting. Therefore, we need to do an important thing: make sure the state governments are doing their part in making sure that the private resources in our state are getting the highest quality, affordable, affordable health care they can while ensuring that all of our members are receiving the care they need, and have the opportunity and opportunity to meet all of their medically-ill-defined medical needs while being able to provide this care in a safe and secure manner. Please read the article in Health Care Reform, which addresses three of the reasons why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that everyone should be insured. 9. Donate your own money to healthcare. Every day in America, less than $25 spends on health care services. Your own money provides more than half of it. You can help the next generation of American families and those at all ages better understand their health care needs so that they can make the best decision possible. That is where we take action. 10. Fund public and private initiatives to improve the health of our neighbors. Without a federal system, this has been too hard in Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina. Instead, we need to raise the funds necessary to take action to reduce the costs that lead to chronic or chronic illness; to expand access

For additional information, please contact:

S. Richard A. “Vito” [email protected]

For more information, please contact:

S. Richard A. “Vito” [email protected]

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Pediatric Ed And New Ped-Ed. (August 2, 2021). Retrieved from