C 206
Essay Preview: C 206
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Intermediate Level Education (ILE) Common Core
C200 Strategic Environment
As youre gathering information for the Regional Assessment, you learn that you must prepare a point paper for the EUCOM Commander for his upcoming meeting with U.S. ambassadors from the Caucasus Region. You are part of a Joint Planning Group and your paper will provide information on Azerbaijan.

This is an open-book requirement. You may use your notes and any information or references contained in the lesson.
Your paper will be typewritten and double-spaced, and will not exceed four total pages. The format is on the next page. You must use Times New Roman font size 12 with 1 inch margins.

This requirement is individual work. You will not disclose information pertaining to your paper to any other student. If you have questions about this assignment, you may contact the DDE Support Team at [email protected]. Remember to submit your assignment using the digital drop-box.

You should draw on the concepts introduced in the C200 lessons, your research of Azerbaijan, and the Guide to Regional Strategic Concept Development in preparing your paper.

Based on your research and the Guide to Regional Strategic Concept Development, write a paper for the EUCOM Commander that answers the following questions:

What is Azerbaijans primary national interest in regards to the Caucasus Region?
What objectives will Azerbaijan pursue in support of this interest?
For each instrument of power (DIME – Diplomatic, Informational, Military, Economic), describe the action Azerbaijan will most likely take.
List the top three U.S. programs (not limited to security cooperation) in Azerbaijan, at least one of which is not a DoD program.
SUBJECT: Assessment of the Caucasus Region
1. ISSUE. Provide the USEUCOM Commander an overview of Azerbaijans approach to the situation in the Caucasus Region.

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Part Of A Joint Planning Group And Point Paper. (June 12, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/part-of-a-joint-planning-group-and-point-paper-essay/