Paranormally Normal
Essay title: Paranormally Normal
Paranormally Normal
Today, many events in the world lie a mystery. With that, people believe things which they can not really see. Although they can not see it, somehow they still have faith that it exists. Some examples would be a belief in God, knowing air exists although the eye can not see it, and paranormal activity. Paranormal activity is a topic which most scientists are on the fence about whether such activities in this world exist or not. In order to fully believe in this phenomenon, one must fully know the categories beyond this. Some paranormal activities are ghosts, poltergeist activity, telepathy, auras, and crop circles.

About everyone existing on this entire planet has heard of ghosts. Some see them in horror movies, hear ghost stories, or even believe they have seen one before. A ghost today can be defined as “some paranormal aspect of the physical form and/or mental presence that appears to exist apart from the original physical form.”(How to Hunt Ghosts p.1) Other names for ghosts are spirits, phantoms, apparitions, and entities. While some people believe ghosts are an aspect of a human spirit, skeptics might think there just some bizarre quirk in the human atmosphere. (How to Hunt Ghosts p.3) One might also think that a house is haunted if doors close by themselves, wood creeks, and voices are heard while others might just say that a draft closes the doors, the wood is old, and the pipes are bad.

Ghost Hunters which are frequently called parapsychologists define ghost hauntings into three categories; residential, intelligent, and inhuman. Residential hauntings are when the spirit does not communicate with you as though it does not even know your present. These hauntings usually have a “tape recorder” effect where the same thing happens frequently such as hearing someone walk up the stairs. An intelligent haunting is where the ghost knows your there and tries to communicate with you whether saying something, moving an object, or even manifesting itself. In inhuman spirit is a ghost which is not a human and never walked the earth in human form. Some would call these spirits demons and these hauntings usually can be harmful or dangerous to people.

There are many theories on how a ghost is able to show themselves. The most common theory is that they absorb energy from things around them to manifest themselves. Parapsychologists believe ghosts are surrounded by electromagnectic fields which gather energy from substances such as televisions, microwaves, cameras, and many other things to do this. (

The word poltergeist is a German word meaning noisy ghosts, which are exactly what it means. (
Researchers believe these phenomenon are caused by adolescent females because they go through extreme hormone changes giving off a great deal of energy whenever their stressed, worried, aggressive, or other moods. (

Telepathy is defined as direct mind to mind communication by the transferring of thought. Telepathy has always been a popular subject to humans and is not that

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Paranormal Activity And Ghost Stories. (July 9, 2021). Retrieved from