Management Functions
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Functions of Management
In the business world there are four functions of Management. Every business or organization uses these within their company. Each one of these functions are very important if you want your business to succeed. Management skills are very important to a company because without these skills it could cause the business to fail. It could also cause the business to not be as successful as if they had good management skills.

Planning is very important because this allows a company or organization to decide what goals the company wants to achieve and what steps need to be taken in order for those goals to be reached. It is the responsibility of management to plan for not only the present but also for the future of the company or organization. I own my own cleaning company so this would be my responsibility. I have to look at how many clients I can take on and decide if it is possible to take on any new clients, or stick with the ones I already have.

I have to plan ahead so that I am able to keep the clients that I have been working with for many years now. I also have to plan ahead if I know that I will not be able to clean for them for reasons such as vacation or personal business. I need to make sure that I am able to fit them in ahead of time, or skip them during the time I will be out.

In order to come up with a plan to get any task completed management has to organize anything that helps determine what the planning process will be. The people that work in management needs to determine the companys organizational makeup is. They must also determine what resources are needed in order to complete the task at hand. After your plan is put into action, a manager needs to

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Own Cleaning Company And Functions Of Management. (June 26, 2021). Retrieved from