Ocean Border Control – Coursework – Kavit Tha0
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Ocean Border Control
Ocean Border Patrol1Kavitha.R,Software Engineer,Capgemini pvt ltd,Bangalore, 2Kalaiarasi.R,M.D,KEC B.Ed college,Tiruvannamalai,                                      3K.Reehana,Associate Engineer-QA,Virtusa,Chennai.Email ID: 1 [email protected] ,[email protected] , [email protected] ABSTRACT: – The main stay of the proposed work is to provide a real time transformation of information using GPS/GPRS module. The purpose of this work is to provide a real time online surveillance of monitoring the integrated boat security and safety system. The work includes 1) 2-way serial communication between GPS/GPRS and micro controller 2) comparing the transferred value with the value which has been previously stored in the server 3) if the values are equal, then a warning signal is send in order to maintain the safety s4) If the warning signal is not considered by the receiver, the boat will be stopped automatically for security purpose. This structure is designed and implemented using AT89C55. The performance is evaluated using Cross compilerKeywords: GPS; GPRS; Internet; Serial Communication;INTRODUCTION The Global Positioning System or the GPS is a satellite based radio navigation system. It uses a constellation of 24 satellites to accurately pinpoint the locations on earth, anytime, anywhere. The GPS was originally developed for military use and has now evolved to commercial and civilian use. The GPS receiver needs data from at least three satellites at any one time to measure the location.Based on the data from the satellites the GPS receiver can provide information on velocity, time, direction and track of movement etc.  The GPS receiver is a full featured, ultra low power receiver on a miniature form factor, suitable for a variety of mobile, embedded applications.       The GPRS is three times as fast as the data transmission speeds possible over todays fixed telecommunications networks and ten times as fast as current Circuit Switched Data services on GSM networks. GPRS involves overlaying a packet based air interface on the existing circuit switched GSM network. The behaviors of Serial port1 interface for GPRS are stand by, voice calling, data calling, SMS. AT89C55 provides Programmable serial channel, Low power idle and power down modes .In addition ,the controller is designed with static logic for operations down to zero frequency and supports two selectable power saving modes.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. After the presentation of related work, section 3 represents system architecture and section 4 presents the experimental setup and results. The paper ends with conclusion.RELATED WORKThe authors of [1] shows the feasibility to achieve vehicle location tracking on Internet in the practice and theory by using GPRS vehicle location terminal .The system is divided into three parts: GIS network workstations, network communications server and GPRS vehicle location terminal. By using this system, it will be easy and fast to make vehicle location tracking on Internet and timely access vehicle location information.The authors of [2] proposed the enhanced architecture of a novel software GPS receiver is described and an analysis is included of the performance of a software GPS receiver when tracking the GPS signals in challenging environments.  The navigation data bits provide all the necessary information to compute the pseudo range between the receiver and the visible satellites and determine the receiver location.The authors of [3] proposed a real-time location tracking system using a GPS module for different mobile devices and multiple users. The technique services a real-time location tracking for multiple parties using TCP/IP wireless internet protocol and GPS application in a mobile environment. The systematic approach of [4] applies the modular structure and network-based design technology and has sufficient scalability and sustainable development. The author of [5] made a brief introduction to the principal and practice of the remote intelligent controlling and monitoring system of home appliances based on GPS/GPRS.SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The architecture provides the integrated boat safety system by using two way communications between GPS/GPRS and micro controller .The UART protocol provides serial communication between GPS/GPRS and micro controller. GPRS is interfaced using static IP concept and when has been previously created. Finally the border value has been stored (Static IP) in the server. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of system architecture

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(2017, 01). Ocean Border Control. EssaysForStudent.com. Retrieved 01, 2017, from
“Ocean Border Control” EssaysForStudent.com. 01 2017. 2017. 01 2017 < "Ocean Border Control." EssaysForStudent.com. EssaysForStudent.com, 01 2017. Web. 01 2017. < "Ocean Border Control." EssaysForStudent.com. 01, 2017. Accessed 01, 2017. Essay Preview By: Kavit Tha0 Submitted: January 6, 2017 Essay Length: 1,355 Words / 6 Pages Paper type: Coursework Views: 398 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Design a Universal Remote Control If you were asked to design a universal remote control for a smart home please describe (with reasons) the design of the user interface. Years 1,745 Words  |  7 Pages Enlightenment Versus British Political Control - the Colonial American Enlightenment Ideals Compared to the British Oppression Enlightenment Versus British Political Control The Colonial American enlightenment ideals compared to the British oppression The development of enlightenment ideals such as equality, democracy, and 914 Words  |  4 Pages Gun Control Gun Control Gun control is a very big issue in the United States today. Many people don't agree with the gun control laws that they 1,348 Words  |  6 Pages The Philippines Is Bordered by the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean The Philippines is bordered by the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It has three major island groups which are the Luzon, the largest 1,463 Words  |  6 Pages Similar Topics Air Conditioner Controller Arguments Against Drug Pricing Controls Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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