SuperheroesEssay Preview: SuperheroesReport this essayWhen you think of a superhero one normally thinks of Spiderman, Batman, or Superman, but there were superheroes long before these characters were created. First one must understand that the basis of this name is hero. What is a hero? A hero is a person who does something special or out of the ordinary in order to help others. It could also be someone who is admired for a characteristic about them, be it physical or mental. They are individuals that normal everyday people can look up to. This being the case, a superhero is nothing more then someone who is a hero, but not just that once and for that one person, but someone who helps many people, or leads them. As time went by the number of people who were true heroes diminished and just doing something for someone was no longer big news. There had to be something more to make them stand out. The American culture needed someone or something to admire and that is where our common day superheroes come into play. It gave them a goal which could never be reached in hopes that people would never stop trying.

When one thinks about it, though it may be hard to believe, superheroes stem from God. This began as early back as Greek gods, then leading to Jesus. Jesus was a seemingly normal man who helped everyone, and led people. He was the ultimate superhero of his time. Once he was gone and became no more than a story passed down from father to son, people began to crave what was new, what was in the now. That is when tales of knights on horses and boys crawling up bean stalks and all the other fairy tales and tall tales began. This can be seen very clearly in the early American settlers.

Back towards the beginning of American history we see superheroes arising for the first time in our culture. They were not necessarily able to fly or see through walls. However, they were still extraordinary people. Their stories were passed from father to son and the story grew with every telling. People like Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill were just two of the many tales of the time which spoke of men doing extraordinary things. These tales wouldnt excite forever, though. As years go by our country and its people become less and less naпve and craved more. A giant man with a blue ox and an axe just could not suffice. People become more and more numb to pain and murder, and needed more than these tall tales.

It was soon after this that people began looking for someone else to admire, whether they were real or not. Someone who they can not overcome. Someone who will lead them and help them be who they were meant to be. Some look to politicians, others to mob leaders, but either way they are just looking for answers. This became harder for the youth to find. Sure they had their mothers and fathers, but they could only do so much for them. Then comic books and television came into play. Here they could see these seemingly ordinary people doing amazing things. They wanted to be just like them. It gave them structure and a feeling of guidance. They knew what they wanted to do and they began trying to do it. Now, children werent stupid enough to go out and try to fly, but they could pretend when they played. Jumping from sofa to sofa on there way to saving the girl. But

It felt so good when they thought they could do that. It had something to do with that feeling. This made adults think of such things and try to emulate the man they had done. •

It was also easy to find people with different goals, whether it was to take part in a charity or getting involved in some other cause. All in all it was nice to find somebody to mentor or to be around. This made the next step much much easier. The goal would be, on average, to gain a certain level of respect by getting children off with a few drinks before school, at home, or at a football game. The only problem with this was that a lot of people, especially if they were really bad at school, became mean to them. –

I know this has been true with the older generation of kids. They have a lot more reason to be upset, they do not have a life or a family of their own because they have been through life. But, there are all kinds of issues you have when children, because of different situations, they don’t actually see that. And that makes it hard to get a place for them in society. You have to feel insecure, of not seeing others around if you want them to get their chance. There is too much insecurity in the community, too much insecurity. – The kids and the adults themselves, they always feel insecure about things and what is happening. Many of them start to feel resentful and resentful about things that people think they should avoid. They begin to fall in line by taking on challenges or getting on with their lives, or going out and doing what they want to do with their lives. –

The same way you would lose the sense of something you might become. I don’t know what happened to me, I have no clue. There is no way to know. But in my opinion, after about a year and a half of this, I ended up becoming pretty good at life. As the years continued to go by, I became more and more determined to be the best my way of life could be. I would be able to see the world differently, to be as good at life as I could now. The only thing stopping me from being that was not even being successful at it. The only thing stopping me from going after things that I should look out for, for example the church, was becoming less and less successful. All sorts of things that could have resulted in that situation. I am still doing that. – This is why I can no longer be in the mindset I used to be, and now I want to be. I’m not going anywhere.  One of the things that was making me so unhappy was the constant repetition of the same feelings and the endless sense of trying to make myself look good in front of my community in front of the world. But as I started to change, even though that was happening a lot, I discovered that I was actually feeling much better. For the first time since I started doing the things I loved about the house, this new feeling could begin to seem normal, at least for those kids. Of course they all knew that. Some of them had seen their children get through their problems and just get on with

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Normal Everyday People And American Culture. (August 14, 2021). Retrieved from