Nicaragua Trade Policy Analysis. – Term Paper – ryandanisavage
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Nicaragua Trade Policy Analysis.
Nicaragua Trade Policy Analysis Ryan DanisavageNicaragua Trade Policy Analysis         The modern economy is characterized by strong trade ties and interdependence of the economies of different countries. Historically, the countries maintained more closed trade systems protecting their growing economies. However, the globalization pushed the global trade system towards greater liberalization. All countries are characterized by different resources and processing capabilities. With the rapid growth of the population the economies are not able to satisfy the demand for all types of goods and service. Therefore, the global exchange is a necessary aspect of economy operation as trade allow the countries to compensate for what they cannot produce and focus on the most efficient production. Various economic theories explain the trade relations and specialization from different points of view.         The following paper will use the economic theory to describe the trade policy of Nicaragua in the relation to macroeconomic indicators of this country. This country has made a significant progress towards the stabilization of its economy during the past 2 decades. Nevertheless, the integration of Nicaragua into the global trade system remains challenging. The country views the integration trade as a key tool to sustainable development. This paper will discuss the changes in the country’s trade policy with reference to macroeconomic indicators and relevant economic theories. Background InformationNicaragua is open to international trade, which represents a significant share of its economy. The country has become a member of World Trade Organization (WTO) since 1995 and undertook a series of efforts to integrate in the global economy (WITS, n.d.). Nicaragua has developed a strategy to diversify its exports and reduced customer duties and trade barriers to gain access to larger markets. The country has benefited from CAFTA agreement and the agreement between EU and Central America, mostly focused on agricultural products. The economic development of Nicaragua was rather challenging but the country managed to improve its macroeconomic indicators over the past decades.         The foreign trade policy is closely related to the macroeconomic performance as international trade is a major driver of economic growth. Hence, it is reasonable to study the GDP trends to see how the changes in trade policies affected the economy and businesses in Nicaragua (see Figure 1). [pic 1]Figure 1. GDP of Nicaragua (1995-2018). Retrieved from        It is clear that country’s GDP has been growing at a steady pace since 1995 despite challenging market context. The unfavorable climate conditions (e.g. hurricane Felix) and global financial and oil crises did not impede the growth of the country’s output (WTO, 2012). The factors that contributed to the growth of GDP included strong export performance and prudent fiscal policy.

The graph (see Figure 2) shows that the inflation rate has been declining since 1996 with a sharp peak in 2008. Inflation was most affected by the growth of food price indexes as it is the main product demanded by households (WTO, 2012). The prices for goods and services are determined by the relationship between the Nigerian currency rate and currencies of other countries. When inflation is high, 1 unit of Nigeria currency can buy less imported goods and the consumer trends show preferences towards more consumption of domestically produced goods. On the contrary, when inflation rate is low, Nicaraguan goods become more affordable on the global market.         The Nicaraguan robust fiscal strategy has been gradually lowering the inflation rate of the country. Nevertheless, it used to be rather high which negatively affected the exchange results with other countries and challenged Nicaraguan exports. Thus, it is possible to conclude that Nicaraguan inflation rate used to impede the development of country’s international trade.[pic 2]Figure 2. Nicaragua inflation rate (1995-2018). Retrieved from        Interest rate is another indicator that affects the currency rate as the monetary policies can influence the value of the currency and therefore, the competitiveness of the international trade. On the one hand, the growth of the interest rate attracts more investors and increases the demand for the Nicaragua currency. On the other side, a lower interest rate stimulates domestic economy and household spending. This causes economic growth, which in its turn attracts investors. Hence, it is possible to conclude that lower interest rate is more preferable as it offsets the price effect by the economic growth.

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(2019, 03). Nicaragua Trade Policy Analysis.. Retrieved 03, 2019, from
“Nicaragua Trade Policy Analysis.” 03 2019. 2019. 03 2019 < "Nicaragua Trade Policy Analysis..", 03 2019. Web. 03 2019. < "Nicaragua Trade Policy Analysis.." 03, 2019. Accessed 03, 2019. Essay Preview By: ryandanisavage Submitted: March 27, 2019 Essay Length: 2,794 Words / 12 Pages Paper type: Term Paper Views: 104 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Policy Analysis: Stabalizing the Firm C. Policy Analysis: Stabilizing the Firm a. Generally speaking, stability in terms of the firm is simply consistency. Most firms base major decisions on some 974 Words  |  4 Pages Monetary Policy Analysis Monetary Policy Analysis Everyone wants to make an investment. Investments are made with the purpose to profit from one's original value. The way that profits 742 Words  |  3 Pages Is There Any Role for Protectionist Trade Policies? Is There Any Role For Protectionist Trade Policies? - Economics Essay Paul Krugman (1987) once declared that “if there was an Economist's Creed, it would 598 Words  |  3 Pages Policy Analysis Market Introduction The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was born in the uncertain days after the Soviets launched Sputnik in 1958. Its mission was to 497 Words  |  2 Pages Similar Topics Analysis of Platos Policy Analysis Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Nicaragua Trade Policy Analysis And Inflation Rate. (June 27, 2021). Retrieved from