Crime Prevention Plan
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Crime Prevention Plan:
If I were hired to help improve crime prevention with in a community, my plan would start with
Community Awareness; let it be known crime is not tolerated and yet help is available for those in
need, education, and other social areas. I would get to know my community by means of verbal-
contact, community meetings, visual scouting, and research previously recorded crime rates for
the area. Begin with Community Awareness, show a constant enforcement presence. This will
assure the community that their protection is priority. This will also help with verbal-
communication with the community and promote community involvement programs, such as;
community crime stoppers. Next step is to survey the area thru- visual and verbal-contact with
community members. This will help with knowing the area; such as: street names, hospitals,
multiple store locations, hang-outs, drug-infested areas, school zones, prominent neighborhoods,
and poor neighborhoods. This will help identify problem areas, but may not produce many verbal
responses with in the community because of fear. My next step would be to attend community
meetings, see if the information you have just collected coincides with information the community
produces and make corrections as needed. Next step would be to add law enforcement
personnel (the majority) to the most severe locations and apply the rest as floaters (they are not
restricted to one area). The added personnel to problem areas should reduce crime rate thru
continuous patrolling. The floating personnel add protection by means of pure-luck and non-

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Next Step And Added Personnel. (June 12, 2021). Retrieved from