Ratifying ConsitutionEssay Preview: Ratifying ConsitutionReport this essayShould the constitution be ratified or should it be tossed? The Articles of Confederation established Americas first national government but it was a weak one because it was a free government. This became apparent after Shays Rebellion; the government couldnt regulate the economy or apply a foreign policy. We needed to change the Articles of Confederation thus a meeting was called to the Annapolis Convention. There were plenty of arguments over what to add or take out so some delegates came up with the idea to abandon the Articles of Confederation and establish a new constitution. I was completely for this new constitution because it would secure our government and people. Many others were against this new idea because it was not fair to the people and could cause a monarchy. Although this is true, the people have more of a say in this new government because they vote to choose our representatives and they can vote to change the representatives or how the government works. While in a state sovereignty there is uncontrollable power which could cause anarchy. Alexander Hamilton agreed in ratifying a new constitution, he said, “If mankind were to resolve to agree in no institution of government, until every part of it had been adjusted to the most exact standard of perfection, society would soon become a general scene of anarchy and the world a desert.” In other words, if we wait to make a perfect government then there will be chaos and everyone in the world will be lost. So we should work to make a more than perfect government using the new constitution.

If this same debate occurred today I believe the results would be different. I do not believe people would want a new constitution. Everybody loves their freedom in the United States; we just dont like the politicians. We need new politicians to follow our current constitution. There is no way I would ever ask our politicians today to create a new constitution, nor do I think anyone else would. Although if maybe a few more years we get better politicians I would agree we need to have a more up to date constitution. I dont feel we need a completely new one, we just to revise the old one. Since our government has become so big and corporate we have lost sight of our basic constitutional privileges. We also need to change the tension between political parties. Theyre all stuck in their own worlds; fighting with one another that they forgot their supposed to be benefiting us. As of today I dont believe the same results would happen but I do believe they should happen in the future.

The Independent: The debate over health care has been a big one. It has had the same effect as the debate over taxes.

The Independent: People’s will (and their power under our system) have been divided along political lines. It has been a huge time for the health care debate, both on election night and now. And it has also been a huge time for the debate regarding the Affordable Care Act, which was passed by a significant majority of US citizens. The health care debate was, and remains, a massive and vital one to all Americans. On election night, the debate exploded over a number of very significant issues, including the health care law, its impact on health care, and its impact to American lives. And for years there has been virtually no debate on the Affordable Care Act: it is the major issue of our country, with every issue being covered by our public. It has been an issue which is being widely discussed, and is being discussed for years, and often very quickly. The discussion and debate has in fact become a serious one to every state right now, with all concerned citizens not only sharing their opinions with their state representatives, but getting on with their business, their families, their churches, and their friends in public gatherings, to be present at events across the country every day. This has never been one of our main priorities. The debate on healthcare is important, but we must not allow our politicians to change course on everything we stand for.

The Independent: I am happy to say that Senator Charles Grassley and Senator Ted Cruz have agreed that there appears to be no consensus on something, and one should not blame anyone for that. The American people are going to have to act. We need to bring about change. That is why the debate is so important. It creates a common ground. This issue does not even have to be an issue right now.

The Independent: We believe the question of the Affordable Care Act was a major factor in creating the health care debate. One is the issue of subsidies, there were some that were very unpopular, but people like me who are working hard to get better health care, and who think the president was wrong about the issue, that the whole Affordable Care Act was created to get a little more affordable health care. There could be some people who disagreed with this, but I think it’s fair to say that it was just like some other issues that our country was seeing right now.

The Independent: I don’t support the Republican Party. What bothers me about that is that Donald Trump is running on a campaign that has no interest in doing anything to advance his own interests. I think it gives him very good excuse. I’m not sure what the point of the GOP is. People like Ted Cruz, for example, have been very clear about their own agenda as long as we’ve been in office, and I’ve never voted for any foreign candidate. It’s going to be a long running process to pass an Obamacare replacement because I believe we’re on track to have the health care we need. If Trump were to run again, that’s something he should take a look at because we are running on this issue of providing affordable health care for the American people. People care so much about their security, their food, their clothing, and their jobs and not just their health care. If he were to run again, everyone in this country would have to take a look at the health care situation.

In sum, I think Donald Trump is a very bad candidate for president. He has very low hopes for the future. He has very little support. The Republican Party is losing its credibility and it is going to fall apart in the next four to six months. What’s at stake is not whether or not we can fix our current healthcare system for the long term. If it is, the Democratic Party will have to be completely on their side of the

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New Constitution And Americas First National Government. (August 11, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/new-constitution-and-americas-first-national-government-essay/