Netflix Streaming – Project Notes Report – Case Study – NicoleCrossin
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Netflix Streaming – Project Notes Report
NETFLIX STREAMING – PROJECT NOTES REPORTCompany Name: NetflixProject Case Title: The Adaptation of Streaming Functionality by NetflixRelevant Articles:

As for the online DVD rental model, Blockbuster had slowly been attempting to save themselves by encroaching into that space that Netflix had so far been fairly alone in.  Redbox had found their little niche as the easily accessible and quite affordable vending-machine-type rental company.  And then there was Amazon, the first to try their hand at the video on demand model with their ‘Unbox’ – later renamed ‘Amazon Instant Video on Demand’.  Although this started as a downloadable service, rather than the streaming seen today, this idea of on demand with no need for physical products was the obvious future, as seen by Amazon’s early success.[pic 1]        Understanding the future, and determining how to successfully enter a new space that someone else has already occupied are two very different things.  Determining how to strategically rebuild a business model that uses new technology, retains current customers, AND attracts an entirely new group of consumers was going to be a chore to say the least.  The competitive edge that Netflix had grown accustomed to regarding logistics would be null and void when entering a world of digital distribution.  But the one thing they were able to control during the transition was the customer model – free to subscribers and focused on instant gratification. What new technology did Netflix needs to learn and/or invest in in order for their transition to be successful?  Did they need to consult outside council already possessing that necessary knowledge?“For Netflix, the true value of a cloud service was the sheer amount of computing power it can bring to bear on advanced “rich services,” Bansal said.  “It takes an awful lot of horsepower to encode and deliver high-quality video streams to relatively puny computers like those embedded in smartphones.  Netflix has to perform almost all of the work necessary for a satisfactory video experience on its own servers.”Analysis:Once the decision to go streaming had been made, there were two main questions that needed to be answered – how will Netflix reach the consumers’ devices (originally computers, later TVs, phones, etc.) and how will the store and/or access the content they establish rights to?  At the time of transitioning, Netflix had plenty of capital to acquire the necessary licenses for the movies they wished to provide.  Although the shareholders’ reactions highlighted the risk they believed to be relevant to spending that kind of money for a new venture, it would prove to be necessary.

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(2018, 06). Netflix Streaming – Project Notes Report. Retrieved 06, 2018, from
“Netflix Streaming – Project Notes Report” 06 2018. 2018. 06 2018 < "Netflix Streaming – Project Notes Report.", 06 2018. Web. 06 2018. < "Netflix Streaming – Project Notes Report." 06, 2018. Accessed 06, 2018. Essay Preview By: NicoleCrossin Submitted: June 30, 2018 Essay Length: 1,926 Words / 8 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 277 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Six Sigma Project Report Template Six Sigma Project Report Template On-Line Green Belt Program at The University of Michigan Instructor Comments • The following template presents a guideline for preparing 327 Words  |  2 Pages Operations Management Project Report on Albert David CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………5 2. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………..6 3. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT…………………………………………….8 4. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY………………………………………...……………9 5. SCOPE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………...……….9 6. METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………….………10 7. EXISTING 3,988 Words  |  16 Pages The Cyclemate Project Group Report THE CYCLEMATE PROJECT GROUP REPORT K52BFA - GROUP Phạm Thị Anh Thư Đặng Nguyễn Thi Thi Huỳnh Ngọc Thiên Phương Ngô Cao Ngọc Mai Đỗ 3,995 Words  |  16 Pages Netflix Case Study Notes Netflix Case Study Notes [Ignore this] 1. Netflix provides content that enable consumers to enjoy TV shows and movies directly on their TVs, computers and 1,543 Words  |  7 Pages Similar Topics Netflix Operations Management Report Project Proposal Enhancement Budget Report Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Netflix Streaming And Project Notes Report. (June 11, 2021). Retrieved from