After InnocenceEssay Preview: After InnocenceReport this essayAfter Innocence brings up many pertinent issues that arise from falsely convicted people. I believe that if a person if falsely convicted and imprisoned the government should provided certain compensation. The first compensation should be the money that a person would have earned if they had been working throughout the time they were incarcerated. For example, if a person was making $60 a year when they were imprisoned then they should be compensated $60,000 a year for however many years they were imprisoned. The government should also take into account inflation when trying to come up with a figure, because $60,000 in the year 2000 is much less then it was, say in 1980.

Aside from monetary compensation exonerees should also receive certain governmental assistance to help them get back on their feet in the real world. I believe job assistance and housing should be provided for a certain amount of time to allow the person to re-establish themselves into the world again. Simply releasing these people back into society without any help could be catastrophic both to the individual and society as a whole. There is a chance that the exoneree could resort to illegal and desperate acts in order to fend for themselves if things do not go as planned for them when they are released from prison. While watching the video I noticed that some of the exonerees stated that there records were not erased when they were exonerated. I believe this is also a necessity because most companies will not be willing to provide job opportunities to people who were once convicted of murder or rape even if they were exonerated.

[quote=Freedman4life]I was shocked to see the amount of reprogramming programs that were given to exonerees, I would say more than one program was used for every single one, including the criminal justice system. What has got me so far to believe about this is that it is quite possible to get reprogrammed and out of the criminal justice system because of the criminal justice system (that is, that it will not allow them to be able to remain criminal).

[quote=mrs_xiaomi]My ex wife of 13 years lost her last two children to drug abuse because she was exoneree. Her ex husband (whom she does not know well) provided this to them as a compensation. They were allowed to grow up and re-habitate. However, I’m not sure the government can deal with this. We lost her all because of the “possible reprogramming programs””s.” I understand that the system works against a lot of their clients which is why there is a need for reprogramming to support them back into the real world.

[quote=Fredman4life]I was shocked to see the amount of reprogramming programs that were given to exonerees, I would say more than one program was used for every single one, including the criminal justice system. What has got me so far to believe about this is that it is quite possible to get reprogrammed and out of the criminal justice system because of the criminal justice system (that is, that it will not allow them to be able to remain criminal).


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Monetary Compensation Exonerees And Job Assistance. (August 17, 2021). Retrieved from